using System; using System.IO; using System.Xml; using System.Xml.Serialization; using System.Security.Principal; using Microsoft.AnalysisServices; using TOM = Microsoft.AnalysisServices.Tabular; //using EnvDTE; using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq; using Newtonsoft.Json; using System.Linq; using System.Collections.Generic; namespace BismNormalizer.TabularCompare { /// /// Information about a connection. This is serialized/deserialized to/from the BSMN file. /// public class ConnectionInfo { #region Private Variables private bool _useProject = false; //Missed the boat to have an enum would break backwards compat with .bism file private bool _useBimFile = false; private bool _useDesktop = false; private string _bimFile; private string _desktopName; private string _serverName; private string _databaseName; private string _projectName; private string _projectFile; private int _compatibilityLevel; private CompatibilityMode _compatibilityMode = CompatibilityMode.AnalysisServices; private bool _isPbit = false; private string _dataSourceVersion; private ServerMode _serverMode; private bool _directQuery; private string _ssdtBimFile; //private EnvDTE.Project _project; private string _deploymentServerName; private string _deploymentServerDatabase; private string _deploymentServerCubeName; private DirectoryInfo _projectDirectoryInfo; private bool _credsProvided = false; private string _username; private string _password; private bool _workspaceServerProvided = false; private string _workspaceServer; #endregion /// /// Initializes a new instance of the ConnectionInfo class. /// public ConnectionInfo() { } /// /// A Boolean specifying whether the connection represents a project in Visual Studio or a database on a server. /// public bool UseProject { get { return _useProject; } set { if (value) { //To late to do an enum would break backwards compat _useBimFile = false; _useDesktop = false; _bimFile = null; _compatibilityMode = CompatibilityMode.AnalysisServices; } _useProject = value; } } /// /// A Boolean specifying whether the connection represents a Power BI Desktop or SSDT workspace AS instance. /// public bool UseDesktop { get { return _useDesktop; } set { if (value) { //To late to do an enum would break backwards compat _useProject = false; _useBimFile = false; _bimFile = null; _compatibilityMode = CompatibilityMode.PowerBI; } _useDesktop = value; } } /// /// A Boolean specifying whether the connection represents a BIM file. /// public bool UseBimFile { get { return _useBimFile; } set { if (value) { //To late to do an enum would break backwards compat _useProject = false; _serverName = null; _databaseName = null; } _useBimFile = value; } } /// /// Name of the PBIX or SSDT project to which workspace AS instance connected. /// public string DesktopName { get { return _desktopName; } set { _desktopName = value; } } /// /// Name of the server on which the tabular model resides. /// public string ServerName { get { return _serverName; } set { _serverName = value; } } /// /// The name of the database for the connection. /// public string DatabaseName { get { return _databaseName; } set { _databaseName = value; } } /// /// The name of the project for the connection. /// public string ProjectName { get { return _projectName; } set { _projectName = value; } } /// /// The full path and name of the project file. Used for running in command-line mode. /// public string ProjectFile { get { return _projectFile; } set { _projectFile = value; } } /// /// Full path to the slected BIM file (offline). /// public string BimFile { get { return _bimFile; } set { _bimFile = value; } } /// /// Full path to the BIM file for the project. /// [XmlIgnore()] public string SsdtBimFile { get { return _ssdtBimFile; } set { _ssdtBimFile = value; } } /// /// Compatibility level for the connection. /// [XmlIgnore()] public int CompatibilityLevel => _compatibilityLevel; /// /// Compatibility mode for the connection. /// [XmlIgnore()] public CompatibilityMode CompatibilityMode => _compatibilityMode; /// /// Compatibility mode for the connection. /// [XmlIgnore()] public bool IsPbit => _isPbit; /// /// Default data source version for the connection. /// [XmlIgnore()] public string DataSourceVersion => _dataSourceVersion; /// /// Server mode of the connection. /// [XmlIgnore()] public ServerMode ServerMode => _serverMode; /// /// A Boolean specifying whether the tabular model for the connection is running in DirectQuery mode. /// [XmlIgnore()] public bool DirectQuery => _directQuery; ///// ///// Project running in Visual Studio. ///// //[XmlIgnore()] //public EnvDTE.Project Project //{ // get { return _project; } // set { _project = value; } //} /// /// The deployment server from the project file. /// [XmlIgnore()] public string DeploymentServerName => _deploymentServerName; /// /// The deployment database from the project file. /// [XmlIgnore()] public string DeploymentServerDatabase => _deploymentServerDatabase; /// /// The deployment cube from the project file. /// [XmlIgnore()] public string DeploymentServerCubeName => _deploymentServerCubeName; /// /// Use credentials are provided for command line execution. /// [XmlIgnore()] public bool CredsProvided { get { return _credsProvided; } set { _credsProvided = value; } } /// /// Username for command line execution. /// [XmlIgnore()] public string Username { get { return _username; } set { _username = value; } } /// /// Password for command line execution. /// [XmlIgnore()] public string Password { get { return _password; } set { _password = value; } } /// /// Flag depending on whether workspace server was provided. Used for command line mode/automated build. /// [XmlIgnore()] public bool WorkspaceServerProvided { get { return _workspaceServerProvided; } set { _workspaceServerProvided = value; } } /// /// Workspace server name for when WorkspaceServerProvided = true. Used for command line mode/automated build. /// [XmlIgnore()] public string WorkspaceServer { get { return _workspaceServer; } set { _workspaceServer = value; } } private void ReadSettingsFile() { FileInfo[] files = _projectDirectoryInfo.GetFiles("*.settings", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly); FileInfo settingsFile = null; string currentUserName = WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().Name; int startPos1 = currentUserName.IndexOf("\\") + 1; if (startPos1 != -1) { currentUserName = currentUserName.Substring(startPos1); } foreach (FileInfo file in files) { if (file.Name.ToUpper().Contains(currentUserName.ToUpper())) { settingsFile = file; break; } } if (settingsFile == null) { //if (_project == null) //{ // //Probably running in command-line mode // if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(_serverName) || String.IsNullOrEmpty(_databaseName)) // { // throw new ConnectionException($"Project {_projectName} Server Name and/or Database Name not populated.\nGenerate a new BSMN in Visual Studio."); // } // else // { // return; // } //} //else //{ throw new ConnectionException($"Could not read workspace settings file for Project {_projectName}.\nGenerate a new settings file by opening the .bim file in Visual Studio."); //} } /* can't use xmlreader or xmldoc because throws error saying "Data at the root level is invalid" XmlDocument document = new XmlDocument(); document.Load(settingsFile.FullName); XmlNamespaceManager nsmgr = new XmlNamespaceManager(document.NameTable); nsmgr.AddNamespace("myns1", ""); XmlNode serverNameNode = document.SelectSingleNode("//myns1:ServerName", nsmgr); if (serverNameNode == null) throw new ConnectionException("Could not read workspace server name from settings file for Project " + _projectName); _serverName = serverNameNode.InnerText; XmlNode databaseNameNode = document.SelectSingleNode("//myns1:DatabaseName", nsmgr); if (databaseNameNode == null) throw new ConnectionException("Could not read workspace database name from settings file for Project " + _projectName); _databaseName = databaseNameNode.InnerText; */ using (StreamReader settingsFileStreamReader = settingsFile.OpenText()) { string settingsFileContents = settingsFileStreamReader.ReadToEnd(); int startPos = settingsFileContents.IndexOf(""); int endPos = settingsFileContents.IndexOf(""); if (startPos != -1 && endPos != -1 && startPos < endPos) { startPos = startPos + 12; _serverName = settingsFileContents.Substring(startPos, endPos - startPos); } else { throw new ConnectionException("Could not read workspace server name from settings file for Project " + _projectName); } startPos = settingsFileContents.IndexOf(""); endPos = settingsFileContents.IndexOf(""); if (startPos != -1 && endPos != -1 && startPos < endPos) { startPos = startPos + 14; _databaseName = settingsFileContents.Substring(startPos, endPos - startPos); } else { throw new ConnectionException("Could not read workspace database name from settings file for Project " + _projectName); } } } public void ReadProjectFile() { XmlDocument projectFileDoc = new XmlDocument(); projectFileDoc.Load(_projectFile); XmlNamespaceManager nsmgr = new XmlNamespaceManager(projectFileDoc.NameTable); nsmgr.AddNamespace("myns1", ""); //Populate deployment server properties XmlNode deploymentServerNameNode = null; XmlNode deploymentServerDatabaseNode = null; XmlNode deploymentServerCubeNameNode = null; ////Try to populate from active configuration //if (_project != null) //{ // string configurationName = _project.ConfigurationManager?.ActiveConfiguration?.ConfigurationName; // if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(configurationName)) // { // deploymentServerNameNode = projectFileDoc.SelectSingleNode($"//myns1:PropertyGroup[contains(@Condition,'{configurationName}')]/myns1:DeploymentServerName", nsmgr); // deploymentServerDatabaseNode = projectFileDoc.SelectSingleNode($"//myns1:PropertyGroup[contains(@Condition,'{configurationName}')]/myns1:DeploymentServerDatabase", nsmgr); // deploymentServerCubeNameNode = projectFileDoc.SelectSingleNode($"//myns1:PropertyGroup[contains(@Condition,'{configurationName}')]/myns1:DeploymentServerCubeName", nsmgr); // } //} //If not populated - e.g. in command-line mode, get values without Condition attribute filter if (deploymentServerNameNode == null) { deploymentServerNameNode = projectFileDoc.SelectSingleNode("//myns1:PropertyGroup/myns1:DeploymentServerName", nsmgr); } if (deploymentServerDatabaseNode == null) { deploymentServerDatabaseNode = projectFileDoc.SelectSingleNode("//myns1:PropertyGroup/myns1:DeploymentServerDatabase", nsmgr); } if (deploymentServerCubeNameNode == null) { deploymentServerCubeNameNode = projectFileDoc.SelectSingleNode("//myns1:PropertyGroup/myns1:DeploymentServerCubeName", nsmgr); } _deploymentServerName = deploymentServerNameNode?.InnerText; _deploymentServerDatabase = deploymentServerDatabaseNode?.InnerText; _deploymentServerCubeName = deploymentServerCubeNameNode?.InnerText; //Get path to BIM file //if (_project != null) //{ // foreach (ProjectItem projectItem in _project.ProjectItems) // { // if (projectItem.Name.EndsWith(".bim") && projectItem.FileCount > 0) // { // _ssdtBimFile = projectItem.FileNames[0]; // break; // } // } //} //else //{ //Probably running in command-line mode XmlNodeList compileNodes = projectFileDoc.SelectNodes("//myns1:ItemGroup/myns1:Compile", nsmgr); if (compileNodes != null) { foreach (XmlNode compileNode in compileNodes) { if (compileNode.Attributes["Include"] != null && compileNode.Attributes["Include"].Value.ToUpper().EndsWith(".bim".ToUpper())) { FileInfo[] files = _projectDirectoryInfo.GetFiles(compileNode.Attributes["Include"].Value, SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly); if (files.Length > 0) { _ssdtBimFile = files[0].FullName; break; } } } } //} } /// /// This method ensures the tabular model is online and populates the CompatibilityLevel property. /// /// A Boolean specifying if the user cancelled the comparison. For the case where running in Visual Studio, the user has the option of cancelling if the project BIM file is open. public void InitializeCompatibilityLevel(bool closedBimFile = false) { if (UseBimFile) { TOM.Database tomDatabase = null; bool exceptionLoadingFile = false; try { tomDatabase = OpenDatabaseFromFile(); } catch { exceptionLoadingFile = true; } if (exceptionLoadingFile || tomDatabase == null) { throw new ConnectionException($"Can't load file \"{_bimFile}\"."); } _compatibilityLevel = tomDatabase.CompatibilityLevel; _dataSourceVersion = tomDatabase.Model.DefaultPowerBIDataSourceVersion.ToString(); _directQuery = (tomDatabase.Model != null && tomDatabase.Model.DefaultMode == Microsoft.AnalysisServices.Tabular.ModeType.DirectQuery); return; } if (UseProject) { //Initialize _projectDirectoryInfo FileInfo projectFileInfo; //if (_project == null) //{ //Probably running in command-line mode projectFileInfo = new FileInfo(_projectFile); //} //else //{ // projectFileInfo = new FileInfo(_project.FullName); //} _projectDirectoryInfo = new DirectoryInfo(projectFileInfo.Directory.FullName); //Read settings file to get workspace server/db ReadSettingsFile(); //Read project file to get deployment server/cube names, and bim file ReadProjectFile(); //Overwrite the server if a workspace server provided if (_workspaceServerProvided) { this.ServerName = _workspaceServer; } } Microsoft.AnalysisServices.Server amoServer = new Microsoft.AnalysisServices.Server(); try { amoServer.Connect(BuildConnectionString()); } catch (ConnectionException) when (UseProject) { //See if can find integrated workspace server bool foundServer = false; string tempDataDir = Path.GetTempPath() + @"Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\OLAP\LocalServer\Data"; if (Directory.Exists(tempDataDir)) { var subDirs = Directory.GetDirectories(tempDataDir).OrderByDescending(d => new DirectoryInfo(d).CreationTime); //Need to order by descending in case old folders hanging around when VS was killed and SSDT didn't get a chance to clean up after itself foreach (string subDir in subDirs) { string[] iniFilePath = Directory.GetFiles(subDir, "msmdsrv.ini"); if (iniFilePath.Length == 1 && File.ReadAllText(iniFilePath[0]).Contains("" + _projectDirectoryInfo.FullName + @"\bin\Data")) //Todo: proper xml lookup { //Assuming this must be the folder, so now get the port number string[] portFilePath = Directory.GetFiles(subDir, "msmdsrv.port.txt"); if (portFilePath.Length == 1) { string port = File.ReadAllText(portFilePath[0]).Replace("\0", ""); this.ServerName = $"localhost:{Convert.ToString(port)}"; amoServer.Connect(BuildConnectionString()); foundServer = true; break; } } } } if (!foundServer) throw; } ////non-admins can't see any ServerProperties: //if (!(amoServer.ServerProperties.Count > 0)) //non-admins can't see any ServerProperties //{ // throw new Microsoft.AnalysisServices.ConnectionException($"Current user {WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().Name} is not an administrator on the Analysis Server " + this.ServerName); //} if (amoServer.ServerMode != ServerMode.Tabular && amoServer.ServerMode != ServerMode.SharePoint) //SharePoint is what Power BI Desktop runs as { throw new ConnectionException($"Analysis Server {this.ServerName} is not running in Tabular mode"); } if (this.ServerName.ToUpper().StartsWith("powerbi:".ToUpper())) { _compatibilityMode = CompatibilityMode.PowerBI; } Microsoft.AnalysisServices.Database amoDatabase = null; if (this.DatabaseName == "" && this.ServerName.ToUpper().StartsWith("localhost:".ToUpper())) { //PBI Desktop doesn't have db name yet if (amoServer.Databases.Count > 0) { amoDatabase = amoServer.Databases[0]; this.DatabaseName = amoDatabase.Name; } } else { amoDatabase = amoServer.Databases.FindByName(this.DatabaseName); } if (amoDatabase == null) { if (!this.UseProject) { throw new ConnectionException("Could not connect to database " + this.DatabaseName); } else { /* Check if folder exists using SystemGetSubdirs. If so attach. If not, do nothing - when execute BIM file below will create automatically. Using XMLA to run SystemGetSubdirs rather than here don't want a reference to Dll. Also, can't use Server.Execute method because it only takes XMLA execute commands (as opposed to XMLA discover commands), so need to submit the full soap envelope */ string dataDir = amoServer.ServerProperties["DataDir"].Value; if (dataDir.EndsWith("\\")) dataDir = dataDir.Substring(0, dataDir.Length - 1); string commandStatement = String.Format("SystemGetSubdirs '{0}'", dataDir); bool foundFault = false; XmlNodeList rows = Core.Comparison.ExecuteXmlaCommand(amoServer, "", commandStatement, ref foundFault); string dbDir = ""; foreach (XmlNode row in rows) { XmlNode dirNode = null; XmlNode allowedNode = null; foreach (XmlNode childNode in row.ChildNodes) { if (childNode.Name == "Dir") { dirNode = childNode; } else if (childNode.Name == "Allowed") { allowedNode = childNode; } } if (dirNode != null && allowedNode != null && dirNode.InnerText.Length >= this.DatabaseName.Length && dirNode.InnerText.Substring(0, this.DatabaseName.Length) == this.DatabaseName && allowedNode.InnerText.Length > 0 && allowedNode.InnerText == "1") { dbDir = dataDir + "\\" + dirNode.InnerText; break; } } if (dbDir != "") { //attach amoServer.Attach(dbDir); amoServer.Refresh(); amoDatabase = amoServer.Databases.FindByName(this.DatabaseName); } } } if (this.UseProject) { //_bimFileFullName = GetBimFileFullName(); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(_ssdtBimFile)) { throw new ConnectionException("Could not load BIM file for Project " + this.ProjectName); } if (!closedBimFile) //If just closed BIM file, no need to execute it { //Execute BIM file contents as script on workspace database //We don't know the compatibility level yet, so try parsing json, if fail, try xmla ... try { //Replace "SemanticModel" with db name. JObject jDocument = JObject.Parse(File.ReadAllText(_ssdtBimFile)); if (jDocument["name"] == null || jDocument["id"] == null) { throw new ConnectionException("Could not read JSON in BIM file " + _ssdtBimFile); } jDocument["name"] = DatabaseName; jDocument["id"] = DatabaseName; //Todo: see if Tabular helper classes for this once documentation available after CTP string command = $@"{{ ""createOrReplace"": {{ ""object"": {{ ""database"": ""{DatabaseName}"" }}, ""database"": {jDocument.ToString()} }} }} "; amoServer.Execute(command); } catch (JsonReaderException) { //Replace "SemanticModel" with db name. Could do a global replace, but just in case it's not called SemanticModel, use dom instead //string xmlaScript = File.ReadAllText(xmlaFileFullName); XmlDocument document = new XmlDocument(); document.Load(_ssdtBimFile); XmlNamespaceManager nsmgr = new XmlNamespaceManager(document.NameTable); nsmgr.AddNamespace("myns1", ""); XmlNode objectDatabaseIdNode = document.SelectSingleNode("//myns1:Object/myns1:DatabaseID", nsmgr); XmlNode objectDefinitionDatabaseIdNode = document.SelectSingleNode("//myns1:ObjectDefinition/myns1:Database/myns1:ID", nsmgr); XmlNode objectDefinitionDatabaseNameNode = document.SelectSingleNode("//myns1:ObjectDefinition/myns1:Database/myns1:Name", nsmgr); if (objectDatabaseIdNode == null || objectDefinitionDatabaseIdNode == null || objectDefinitionDatabaseNameNode == null) { throw new ConnectionException("Could not access XMLA in BIM file " + _ssdtBimFile); } objectDatabaseIdNode.InnerText = DatabaseName; objectDefinitionDatabaseIdNode.InnerText = DatabaseName; objectDefinitionDatabaseNameNode.InnerText = DatabaseName; //1103, 1100 projects store the xmla as Alter (equivalent to createOrReplace), so just need to execute amoServer.Execute(document.OuterXml); } } //need next lines in case just created the db using the Execute method //amoServer.Refresh(); //todo workaround for bug 9719887 on 3/10/17 need to disconnect and reconnect amoServer.Disconnect(); amoServer.Connect(BuildConnectionString()); amoDatabase = amoServer.Databases.FindByName(this.DatabaseName); } if (amoDatabase == null) { throw new ConnectionException($"Can not load/find database {this.DatabaseName}."); } _compatibilityLevel = amoDatabase.CompatibilityLevel; if (_compatibilityLevel >= 1400) _dataSourceVersion = amoDatabase.Model.DefaultPowerBIDataSourceVersion.ToString(); _serverMode = amoServer.ServerMode; _directQuery = ((amoDatabase.Model != null && amoDatabase.Model.DefaultMode == Microsoft.AnalysisServices.Tabular.ModeType.DirectQuery) || amoDatabase.DirectQueryMode == DirectQueryMode.DirectQuery || amoDatabase.DirectQueryMode == DirectQueryMode.InMemoryWithDirectQuery || amoDatabase.DirectQueryMode == DirectQueryMode.DirectQueryWithInMemory); } #region From Daniel: public static readonly HashSet PbiOnlyProperties = new string[] { "Sets", // Pbi: 1400, Box: Unsupported "RelatedColumnDetails", // Pbi: 1400, Box: Unsupported "PerspectiveSets", // Pbi: 1400, Box: Unsupported }.ToHashSet(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase); private static readonly int[] analysisServicesStandardCompatLevels = new[] { 1200, 1400, 1500, 1600 }; private bool IsPbiCompatibilityMode(string tomJson) { // Use PBI CompatibilityMode when model is one of the non-standard CL's, or if V3 metadata is enabled, // or if the model is using any PBI-specific TOM properties: using (var reader = new JsonTextReader(new StringReader(tomJson))) { while (reader.Read()) { if (reader.TokenType == JsonToken.PropertyName) { switch ((string)reader.Value) { case "compatibilityLevel": reader.Read(); if (!analysisServicesStandardCompatLevels.Contains((int)((long)reader.Value))) return true; break; case "defaultPowerBIDataSourceVersion": reader.Read(); if ((string)reader.Value == "powerBI_V3") return true; break; default: if (PbiOnlyProperties.Contains((string)reader.Value)) return true; break; } } } } return false; } #endregion /// /// Check if file is PBIT and return instantiated TOM database. /// /// public TOM.Database OpenDatabaseFromFile() { _isPbit = false; _compatibilityMode = CompatibilityMode.AnalysisServices; TOM.Database tomDatabase; string modelJson; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(_bimFile) && _bimFile.ToUpper().EndsWith(".PBIT")) { _isPbit = true; _compatibilityMode = CompatibilityMode.PowerBI; } if (this.IsPbit) { PowerBiTemplate pbit = new PowerBiTemplate(_bimFile); modelJson = pbit.ModelJson; } else { modelJson = File.ReadAllText(_bimFile); // User can be saving PBI contents to bim file _compatibilityMode = IsPbiCompatibilityMode(modelJson) ? CompatibilityMode.PowerBI : CompatibilityMode.AnalysisServices; } tomDatabase = TOM.JsonSerializer.DeserializeDatabase(modelJson, null, _compatibilityMode); return tomDatabase; } /// /// Build connection string. /// /// public string BuildConnectionString() { string connectionString = $"Provider=MSOLAP;Data Source={this.ServerName};"; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(this.DatabaseName)) { connectionString += $"Initial Catalog={this.DatabaseName};"; } if (this.CredsProvided) { connectionString += $"User ID={this.Username};Password={this.Password};"; } return connectionString; } } }