using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace BismNormalizer.TabularCompare.TabularMetadata
/// Represents a chain of RelationshipLink objects, used to detect ambiguity in relationship paths.
public class RelationshipChainsFromRoot : List
/// Find end table by name.
/// Name of the end table.
/// RelationshipLink object if found; null if not found.
public RelationshipLink FindByEndTableName(string endTableName)
foreach (RelationshipLink ReferencedTable in this)
if (ReferencedTable.EndTable.Name == endTableName)
return ReferencedTable;
return null;
/// Find the root RelationshipLink in the chain.
/// RelationshipLink object if found; null if not found.
public RelationshipLink FindRoot()
foreach (RelationshipLink ReferencedTable in this)
if (ReferencedTable.Root)
return ReferencedTable;
return null;
/// Check if chain of RelationshipLink objects contains an end table with specified name.
/// Name of the end table.
/// Boolean indicating if the end table was found.
public bool ContainsEndTableName(string endTableName)
foreach (RelationshipLink link in this)
if (link.EndTable.Name == endTableName)
return true;
return false;
/// Check if chain of RelationshipLink objects contains an end table with specified name that is BiDi invoked.
/// Name of the end table.
/// Boolean indicating if the BiDi invoked end table was found.
public bool ContainsBidiToEndTable(string endTableName)
foreach (RelationshipLink link in this)
if (link.EndTable.Name == endTableName && link.PrecedingPathBiDiInvoked)
return true;
return false;
/// Remove end table from chain of RelationshipLink objects.
/// Name of end table to remvoe.
/// Boolean indicating if the end table was successfully removed.
public bool RemoveByEndTableName(string endTableName)
foreach (RelationshipLink ReferencedTable in this)
if (ReferencedTable.EndTable.Name == endTableName)
return true;
return false;