using System; using System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement; using System.Drawing; using System.Windows.Forms; namespace BismNormalizer.TabularCompare.UI { public partial class ImpersonationCredentials : Form { private string _authenticationKind; private string _connectionName; private string _username; private string _password; private string _privacyLevel; private float _dpiScaleFactor; public string AuthenticationKind { get { return _authenticationKind; } set { _authenticationKind = value; } } public string ConnectionName { get { return _connectionName; } set { _connectionName = value; } } public string Username { get { return _username; } set { _username = value; } } public string Password { get { return _password; } set { _password = value; } } public string PrivacyLevel { get { return _privacyLevel; } set { _privacyLevel = value; } } public float DpiScaleFactor { get { return _dpiScaleFactor; } set { _dpiScaleFactor = value; } } public ImpersonationCredentials() { InitializeComponent(); } private void ImpersonationCredentials_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (_dpiScaleFactor > 1) { //DPI float dpiScaleFactorFudged = _dpiScaleFactor * Utils.PrimaryFudgeFactor; if (Settings.Default.OptionHighDpiLocal) { this.Scale(new SizeF(dpiScaleFactorFudged * 0.44f, dpiScaleFactorFudged * 0.35f)); this.Width = Convert.ToInt32(this.Width * dpiScaleFactorFudged * 0.6f); foreach (Control control in Utils.GetChildInControl(this)) { if (control is Button) { control.Font = new Font(control.Font.FontFamily, control.Font.Size * dpiScaleFactorFudged * 1.1f * Utils.PrimaryFudgeFactor, control.Font.Style); } else { control.Font = new Font(control.Font.FontFamily, //cbw todo check * 1.4f works on remote desktop setting control.Font.Size * dpiScaleFactorFudged * 1.4f * Utils.PrimaryFudgeFactor, control.Font.Style); } } } else { this.Scale(new SizeF(dpiScaleFactorFudged * 0.44f, dpiScaleFactorFudged * 0.38f)); this.Width = Convert.ToInt32(this.Width * dpiScaleFactorFudged * 0.6f); foreach (Control control in Utils.GetChildInControl(this)) { control.Font = new Font(control.Font.FontFamily, control.Font.Size * dpiScaleFactorFudged * Utils.PrimaryFudgeFactor, control.Font.Style); } } } this.KeyPreview = true; switch (_authenticationKind) { case "Windows": this.Text = "Impersonation Credentials"; break; default: this.Text = "Database Username & Password"; break; } txtConnectionName.Text = _connectionName; txtUsername.Text = _username; txtPassword.Text = _password; cboPrivacyLevel.Text = "None"; if (_privacyLevel == "NA") { //Fudge for provider data sources lblPrivacyLevel.Enabled = false; cboPrivacyLevel.Enabled = false; } this.ActiveControl = txtPassword; } private void ImpersonationCredentials_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e) { if (DialogResult != DialogResult.OK) { //User Cancelling, so do nothing return; } if (_authenticationKind == "Windows") { //Validate username/password in domain and cancel closing if invalid bool valid = false; //Try domain first, then machine, then app directory try { using (PrincipalContext context = new PrincipalContext(ContextType.Domain)) { if (context.ValidateCredentials(txtUsername.Text, txtPassword.Text)) { valid = true; } } } catch { try { using (PrincipalContext context = new PrincipalContext(ContextType.Machine)) { if (context.ValidateCredentials(txtUsername.Text, txtPassword.Text)) { valid = true; } } } catch (System.IO.FileNotFoundException) { //FileNotFoundException on some machines because missing registry key, so ignore. valid = true; } catch { try { using (PrincipalContext context = new PrincipalContext(ContextType.ApplicationDirectory)) { if (context.ValidateCredentials(txtUsername.Text, txtPassword.Text)) { valid = true; } } } catch { //If here, was unable validate, so might still be good credentials (especially if unexpected exception like FileNotFoundException above) valid = true; } } } if (!valid) { MessageBox.Show("Username or password is invalid.", "BISM Normalizer", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); e.Cancel = true; return; } } _username = txtUsername.Text; _password = txtPassword.Text; _privacyLevel = cboPrivacyLevel.Text; } } }