using System; using CommandLine; using CommandLine.Text; namespace AsPartitionProcessing.SampleClient { class ArgumentOptions { [Option('m', "ExecutionMode", HelpText = "Execution mode of SampleClient. Possible values are InitializeInline, InitializeFromDatabase, MergePartitions, DefragPartitionedTables.")] public string ExecutionMode { get; set; } [Option('t', "MergeTable", HelpText = "When ExecutionMode=MergePartitions, name of the partitioned table in the tabular model.")] public string MergeTable { get; set; } [Option('g', "TargetGranularity", HelpText = "When ExecutionMode=MergePartitions, granularity of the newly created partition. Possible values are Yearly or Monthly.")] public string TargetGranularity { get; set; } [Option('k', "MergePartitionKey", HelpText = "When ExecutionMode=MergePartitions, target partition key. If year, follow yyyy; if month follow yyyymm.")] public string MergePartitionKey { get; set; } [Option('i', "ModelConfigurationIDs", HelpText = "Comma-delimited list of ModelConfigurationIDs to filter on when getting worklist from the configuration and logging database.")] public string ModelConfigurationIDs { get; set; } [ParserState] public IParserState LastParserState { get; set; } [HelpOption] public string GetUsage() { return HelpText.AutoBuild(this, (HelpText current) => HelpText.DefaultParsingErrorsHandler(this, current)); } } }