Languages Opens the Languages pane to choose the target languages. Settings Opens the Settings pane to configure Machine Translator. Translated Property Caption Displays the captions of the metadata objects and their translations. Description Displays the descriptions of the metadata objects and their translations.|The metadata objects in the current dataset have no descriptions. Use Power BI Desktop to add descriptions. DisplayFolder Displays the display folder names of the metadata objects and their translations.|The current dataset does not have display folders. Use Power BI Desktop to group columns and measures in display folders. Prepare Translate Translates the captions, descriptions, and display folder names using Microsoft Translator. Apply Applies the translated captions, descriptions, and display folder names to the Power BI dataset. Import/Export Opens the Import/Export pane to export and import the captions, descriptions, and display folder names via .csv files. Metadata Translator cannot start without server and database arguments. Double-check the 'arguments' setting in the metadata-translator.pbitool.json file in your Microsoft Shared\Power BI Desktop\External Tools folder. The value must be: "\"%server%\" \"%database%\"". Dataset Connection String Enter the connection string to the dataset. Translator Subscription Key Translator Endpoint Translator Location Overwrite Translation Enter your Microsoft Translator service subscription key. Enter the Microsoft Translator URL, specifically: This is typically the Global region, but could also be a single Azure region. Please select at least one language before you translate the metadata. Microsoft Translator was unable to translate the metadata strings into {0}. Please try again later or remove this language from the translation. Export .csv files You can export the metadata captions, descriptions, and display folder strings into .csv files based on the locale identifiers (LCIDs) of the selected languages. Metadata Translator creates a separate .csv file for each LCID. Select the folder where you want to store your .csv files. Note that Metadata Translator might overwrite any existing files in this folder. Export... Import .csv files You can import translated captions, descriptions, and display folder strings from .csv files. Each file name must match a locale identifier (LCID) of a supported language. You can import multiple .csv files in a single step. Import... Object - Type The default culture is read-only. Use Power BI Desktop to change the names, descriptions, and display folder names for the default culture.