Microsoft.AnalysisServices.Tabular Infrastructure. Assigns a certain trace event handler to an event associated with an object. Infrastructure. Indicates that an ITrace has stopped. Occurs when the session raised an event. Occurs when the session stopped. Assigns a certain trace event handler to an event associated with a Trace object. Indicates that a Trace has stopped. This class cannot be inherited. Constructor. Creates a new, full copy of a object. The newly created copy of the object. Deprecated. Use CopyTo method instead. Copies a Annotation object to the specified object. The specified object. Deprecated. Use RequestRename method instead. New name of the object Request rename of this object. New name of the object Initializes a new instance of the class using the default values. Initializes a new instance of the class using a name. The name of the assembly. Initializes a new instance of the Assembly class using a name and an ID. The name of the assembly. The ID of the assembly. Returns a clone of the object. The clone. This API is part of the Analysis Services infrastructure and is not intended to be called directly from your code. It copies a object to the specified destination. The destination object to copy to. true to force the body to load; otherwise, false. Copies the content of this object to another object (the destination). The destination object to copy to. The destination object. Creates a new body for the assembly. Indicates whether the object depends on the service. The object. true if the object depends on the service; otherwise, false. Writes a reference for the current object. The writer. Creates a new object that is a copy of the current instance. A new object that is a copy of this instance. Constructor. Creates a new, full copy of a AttributeHierarchy object. A new, full copy of a AttributeHierarchy object. Deprecated. Use the CopyTo method instead. The object to copy from. Copies an AttributeHierarchy object to the specified object. The other object. Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified AttributeHierarchy object. The specified AttributeHierarchy object. Constructor. Initializes a new instance of the class. Constructor. Initializes a new instance of ClrAssembly using the default values. Initializes a new instance of ClrAssembly using a name. The name of the assembly. Initializes a new instance of ClrAssembly using a name and an identifier. The name of the assembly. The identifier of the assembly. Returns a clone of the object. The clone. Copies the content of this object to another object (the destination). The destination object to copy to. The destination object. Loads a managed assembly with or without attendant debug information. A fully articulated path to the main file for loading. This Boolean controls whether or not to load the debug information. Creates a new body for the ClrAssembly. Creates a new, full copy of a object. A newly created copy of the object. Deprecated. Use the CopyTo method instead. The object to copy from. Copies a Column object to the specified object. The specified column. Deprecated. Use RequestRename method instead. New name of the object Request rename of this object. New name of the object Initializes a new instance of the class. The specified parent. Initializes a new instance of the ComAssembly class using the default values. Initializes a new instance of the ComAssembly class using the specified assembly name. The name of the assembly. Initializes a new instance of the ComAssembly class using the specified assembly and its identifier. The name of the assembly. The identified of the assembly. Returns a clone of the object. The clone. Copies the content of this object to another object (the destination). The destination object to copy to. The destination object. Creates a new body for the object. Constructor. Creates a new, full copy of a Culture object. A new, full copy of a Culture object. Deprecated. Use CopyTo method instead. Copies a Culture object to the specified object. The specified object. Deprecated. Use RequestRename method instead. New name of the object Request rename of this object. New name of the object Initializes a new instance of the class. The parent object. Initializes a new instance of a Tabular using the default values. Initializes a new instance of a Tabular object using the model type and compatibility level. Type of the model. Compatibility level. Initializes a new instance of a Tabular using a name. Name of the database. Initializes a new instance of a Tabular using a name and an identifier. Name of the database. ID of the database. Returns a clone of the object. The clone. This API is part of the Analysis Services infrastructure and is not intended to be called directly from your code. It creates a new copy of the object. true to force the body to load; otherwise, false. A new copy of the object. Infrastructure. Copies a object to the specified destination. The destination object to copy to. true to force the body to load; otherwise, false. Copies the content of this object to another object (the destination). The destination object to copy to. The destination object. Creates a new body for the current object. Determines whether the database depends on a specified object. The object. true if the database depends on a specified object; otherwise, false. Writes a reference for the current object. The writer. Creates an exact copy of the object. An exact copy of the object. Creates a database, generates a unique Name and ID, adds the object to the collection, and returns the new object. The newly created Database. Adds the specified Database to this collection (at the last position). The Database to add to this collection. The zero-based index in collection to which the item was added. Creates a database using the name provided, adds it to the collection, and returns a new Database object. The ID is generated based on the specified Name. The Name for the new Database. It must be unique within the collection. The newly created Database. Creates a database using the name and ID provided, adds it to the collection, and returns a new Database object. The Name for the new Database. It must be unique within the collection. The ID for the new Database. It must be unique within the collection. The newly created Database. Determines whether the specified Database is in the collection. The Database to look up. True if the specified Database is found in the collection, False otherwise. Determines whether a Database with the specified ID is in the collection. The ID of the Database to be looked for. True if a Database with the specified ID is found in the collection, False otherwise. Returns the Database with the specified ID or null if not found. The ID of the Database to return. The Database with the specified ID or null if not found. Returns the Database with the specified Name or null if not found. The Name used to identify the Database. The Database with the specified Name. Returns the Database with the specified Name. The Name used to identify the Database. The Database with the specified Name. The collection doesn't contain a Database with that Name. Searches for the specified Database and returns its zero-based index within the collection. The Name of the Database to look up. The zero-based index of the Database in the collection, if found; otherwise, -1. Searches for a Database with the specified ID and returns its zero-based index within the collection. The ID of the Database to look up. The zero-based index of the Database in the collection, if found; otherwise, -1. Creates a database, generates a unique Name and ID, inserts the object at the specified index, and returns a new Database object. The zero-based index at which the new Database is inserted. The newly created Database. Inserts a Database into this collection at the specified index. The zero-based index at which the Database is inserted. The Name of the Database to insert into this collection. Creates a database using the name provided, inserts it at the specified index, and returns a new Database object. The ID is generated based on the specified Name and is unique within this collection. The zero-based index at which the new Database is inserted. The Name for the new Database, unique in this collection. The newly created Database. Creates the database using the unique Name and ID provided, inserts the object at the specified index, and returns the new object. The zero-based index at which the new Database is inserted. The Name for the new Database. It must be unique within the collection. The ID for the new Database. It must be unique within the collection. The newly created Database. Moves a Database in collection to a specified position. The object is identified by Name. The Name of the Database to be moved. The zero-based index where the Database will be moved. Moves a Database in the collection from one position to another. The source zero-based index from which the Database will be moved. The destination zero-based index to which the Database will be moved. The Database that was moved. Moves a Database in collection to a specified position. The object is identified by its ID. The ID of the Database to be moved. The zero-based index where the Database will be moved. The Database that was moved. Removes the specified Database from this collection. The object is identified by Name. The Name of the Database to remove. Removes the specified Database from this collection and optionally removes any references to the object. The Name of the Database to remove. If false, it will not delete referencing objects. Removes a Database from this collection. The object is identified by its ID. The ID of the Database to be removed. Removes a Database from this collection based on its ID, and optionally removes any references to the object. The ID of the Database to be removed. If false, it will not delete referencing objects. Constructor. Constructor. Initializes a new instance of the class. Constructor. Constructor. Initializes the object. Creates a new, full copy of a DataSource object. A new, full copy of a DataSource object. Deprecated. Use CopyTo method instead. Copies a DataSource object to the specified object in the Model tree. The other object. Deprecated. Use RequestRename method instead. New name of the object Request rename of this object. New name of the object Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified object. The specified object. Initializes a new instance of the class. Constructor. Constructor. Creates a new, full copy of a Hierarchy object. A new, full copy of a Hierarchy object. Deprecated. Use CopyTo method instead. Copies a Hierarchy object to the specified object. The specified object to copy. Deprecated. Use RequestRename method instead. New name of the object Request rename of this object. New name of the object Initializes a new instance of the class. The parent hierarchy. Creates a new body for the IMajorObject. Determines a value that indicates whether the current object has a dependency on another object. The object. true if the current object has a dependency on another object; otherwise, false. Adds a mining structures and subsequent dependents to the specified Hashtable. The Hastable to append dependent objects to. The dependents Hastable with mining structures of the database and the mining structure dependents appended. Updates the current object to use values obtained from the server. Updates the current object to use values obtained from the server and loads dependent values, if specified. true to refresh dependent objects; otherwise, false. A RefreshType value that determines which dependent objects to refresh. Updates the server definition of the object to use the values of the current object. If unspecified, default values are used to update dependent objects. Writes the body of the in XML. The XML writer. Infrastructure. Starts an ITrace. Infrastructure. Stops an ITrace. Generates a JSON schema for validating the JSON script that JsonScripter can handle. A JSON schema. Scripts out a given Tabular database into an Alter command. Name of a Tabular database. System.String containing a scripted Alter command. Scripts out a given Tabular metadata object into an Alter command. Name of the Tabular metadata object. System.String containing a scripted Alter command. Creates a script to attach a given folder. The folder to attach. System.String containing the Attach script. Creates a script to attach a given folder. The folder to attach. The read/write mode of the database. System.String containing the Attach script. Creates a script to attach a given folder. The folder to attach. The read/write mode of the database. The password. System.String containing the Attach script. Creates a script to backup the database. Name of a Tabular database. Path of the backup file. System.String containing a scripted Backup command. Creates a script to backup the database. Name of a Tabular database. Path of the backup file. The password text to apply to the backup. True if overwrite of the target is enabled, False otherwise. True if compression is to be used, False otherwise. System.String containing a scripted Backup command. Scripts out a given Tabular database into a Create command. Name of a Tabular database. System.String containing a scripted Create command. Scripts out a given Tabular metadata object into a Create command. Name of a Tabular metadata object. System.String containing a scripted Create command. Scripts out a given Tabular database into a CreateOrReplace command. Name of a Tabular database. System.String containing a scripted CreateOrReplace command. Scripts out a given Tabular metadata object into a CreateOrReplace command. Name of a Tabular metadata object. System.String containing a scripted CreateOrReplace command. Scripts out a given Tabular database into a Delete command. Name of a Tabular database. System.String containing a scripted Delete command. Scripts out given Tabular metadata object into Delete command Tabular metadata object System.String contaning scripted Delete command Creates a script to detach the database. Name of a Tabular database. System.String containing a scripted Detach command. Creates a script to detach the database. Name of a Tabular database. The password to detach the database. System.String containing a scripted Detach command. Creates script to merge one or more partitions. Target partition. Sequence of source partitions. System.String containing scripted MergePartitions command. Scripts out a given Tabular database into a Refresh command. Name of a Tabular database. System.String containing a scripted Refresh command. Scripts out a given Tabular database into a Refresh command using a specified RefreshType. Name of a Tabular database. Type of refresh. System.String containing a scripted Refresh command. Scripts out a given Tabular metadata object into a Refresh command. Name of a Tabular metadata object. System.String containing a scripted Delete command. Scripts out a given tabular metadata object into a Refresh command using a specified RefreshType. Name of a Tabular metadata object. Type of refresh. System.String containing a scripted Delete command. Scripts out multiple Tabular metadata object into a Refresh command. Name of the Tabular metadata object collection. Type of refresh. System.String containing a scripted Delete command. Creates a script to restore the database. The name and location of the file to restore. Name of the database to restore. System.String containing the Restore script. Creates a script to restore the database. The name and location of the file to restore. The database to restore. True if the database should be overwritten, False otherwise. The password to use to decrypt the restoration file. The storage location for the file to restore. The read/write mode of the database. System.String containing the Restore script. Creates a script to Synchronize the database. Name of a the database to Synchronize. A connection string. System.String containing a scripted Synchronize command. Creates a script with more synchronization options to Synchronize the database. The database to Synchronize. A connection string. A Boolean that specifies whether to synchronize security. A Boolean that specifies whether to apply compression. System.String containing a scripted Synchronize command. Deserializes a Database object. JSON structure to deserialize. Serialization options. The Database as a Tabular metadata object. Deserializes a JSON structure of a Tabular database to its metadata object equivalent. Type of metadata object to deserialize. JSON structure to deserialize. Serialization options. Target compatibility level of the database (should be 1200 or greater). v Deserializes a JSON structure to its metadata object equivalent. JSON structure to deserialize. Serialization options. Type of metadata object to deserialize. The in-memory metadata object. Generates the JSON schema for JSON serialization of a given metadata object. Type of metadata object. Serialization options. Target compatibility level of the database (should be 1200 or later). JSON schema of the object. Generates JSON schema for JSON serialization of given metadata object. Serialization options. Target compatibility level of the database (should be 1200 or later). Type of Mmetadata object. JSON schema of the object. Serializes the metadata of an in-memory Tabular database to a JSON structure. The Database object to serialize. Serialization options. A Database definition in JSON. Serializes an in-memory Tabular model object to a JSON structure. The in-memory model object to serialize. Serialization options. Target compatibility level of the database (should be 1200 or later). An object definition in JSON. Constructor. Creates a new, full copy of a KPI object. A new, full copy of a KPI object. Deprecated. Use CopyTo method instead. Copies a KPI object to the specified object. The specified object. Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified object. The specified object. Constructor. Creates a new, full copy of a Level object. The newly created copy of the object. Deprecated. Use CopyTo method instead. Copies a Level object to the specified object. The specified Level. Deprecated. Use RequestRename method instead. New name of the object Request rename of this object. New name of the object Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified level. The specified level. Constructor. Creates a new, full copy of a object. The newly created copy of the object. Deprecated. Use CopyTo method instead. Copies a LinguisticMetadata object to the specified object. The Linguistic Metadata object. Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified parent object. The parent object. Constructor. Creates a new, full copy of a Measure object. A new full copy of a measure object. Deprecated. Use CopyTo method instead. Copies a Measure object to the specified object. The object to copy to. Deprecated. Use RequestRename method instead. New name of the object Request rename of this object. New name of the object Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified measure object. The specified measure object. Initializes a new instance of the class. Returns a Validate object. The validation result. Initializes a new collection of metadata objects. The type of item contained in the collection (for example a collection of models, tables, or columns). Name of the parent object containing the collection. Add by Type. Adds a metadata object into the collection. Empties the collection of all objects. A Boolean specifying whether the collection contains objects by Type. Name of the collection True if the collection indexes by Type, False otherwise. Copies a collection to another object in the Model tree. Stores the objects in the collection. An index of the array. Enumerates the items in a collection. A list of items. Index lookup by Type. The type of MetaDataObject contained in the collection. The index of the collection. Indicates whether the object is removed in the collection. The metadata object. true if the object was found and removed from collection; otherwise, false. Removes all items from the . Copies the to an existing one-dimensional , starting at the specified array index. The one-dimensional that is the destination of the elements copied from . The must have zero-based indexing. The zero-based index in array at which copying begins. Removes the first occurrence of a specific object from the collection. The object to remove from the collection. true if is successfully removed; otherwise, false. Returns an enumerator that iterates through a collection. An enumerator that iterates through a collection. Retrieves an enumerator that iterates through the collection. An enumerator that iterates through the collection. Constructor. Creates a new, full copy of a Model object. A new, full copy of a Model object. Deprecated. Use CopyTo method instead. The other model. Copies a Model object to the specified object. The specified object. Executes an XMLA request and updates the model tree to match model's definition on the . XMLA request Result of ExecuteXmla operation, including impact Deprecated. Use RequestRefresh method instead. Refresh type Deprecated. Use RequestRefresh method instead. Refresh type Overrides - collection of overriden properties of real metadata object Deprecated. Use RequestRename method instead. New name of the object Request refresh of this object. Refresh type Request refresh of this object with overrides. Refresh type Overrides - collection of overriden properties of real metadata object Request rename of this object. New name of the object Saves the local changes made on the model tree to the version of the model residing in the database on the . Result of a SaveChanges operation, including a description of how the local model varies from the version it is replacing on the . Saves local modifications made on the model tree to the . Flags that control the Save operation Result of the SaveChanges operation, including impact Saves local modifications made on model tree to the . Options that control the Save operation Result of the SaveChanges operation, including impact. Synchronizes a local copy of the model tree to match the latest version stored on the Analysis Services instance. Provides the results of the synch operation against the local model tree after comparing it to the version stored on the server. Reverts local changes made on the since the last time it was sync'ed with the . Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified object. The specified object. Initializes a new instance of the class. Constructor. Creates a new, full copy of a ModelRole object. A new, full copy of a ModelRole object. Deprecated. Use CopyTo method instead. Copies a ModelRole object to the specified object. The model role object. Deprecated. Use RequestRename method instead. New name of the object Request rename of this object. New name of the object Initializes a new instance of the class. The model role. Creates a new, full copy of a ModelRoleMember object. A new, full copy of a ModelRoleMember object. Deprecated. Use CopyTo method instead. Copies a ModelRoleMember object to the specified object. The specified object. Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified parent. The specified parent. A base class representing a named metadata object.. Sets the name of the metadata object. A string that provides the name. A Boolean that determines whether objects in the collection are contained by Name. Name of the collection. True if object are contained by name within the collection, False otherwise. A Boolean that determines whether the index contains the specified object name. Name of the object to look up. True if the object was found, False otherwise. Finds an object in the collection by Name. Name of the object to look up. Reference to object with given name if it's found in collection, null otherwise. Gets a unique new name for the object. A unique new name for the object. Gets a unique new name for the object with the specified name prefix. The name prefix. A unique new name for the object with the specified name prefix. Removes an object from a MetadataObject collection by its name. The string name. Initializes a new instance of the class. Converts an XML fragment to the specified by the and parameters. Name of the xml fragment to deserialize. True if the XML fragment describes an object completely, False otherwise. Converts an XML representation of an object reference to an object by using an xmlReader. Name of the xmlReader used in the conversion. An object. Gets the object ID of the specified object. Name of the object. The ID of the object. Reads the content referenced by the object. An xmlReader for reading the referenced content. Resolves an object with the specified database and object reference. Name of the database. An ID-based reference of the object. An object with the specified database and object reference. Resolves an object with the specified database and object reference. Name of the server. An ID-based reference of the object. An object with the specified database and object reference. Resolves an object with the specified database. Name of the database. An object with the specified database. Resolves an object with the specified database and force load. Name of the database. Name of the force load. An object with the specified server and force load. Resolves an object with the specified server. The specified server. An object with the specified server. Resolves an object with the specified server and force load. Name of the server. Name of the force load. An object with the specified server and force load. Converts the to an XML version. An XML version of the . Converts the to an XML version by using an . Name of an xmlWriter for writing the XML version of the referenced content. Writes out a serialized by using an xmlWriter. A Writer for writing the XML version of the referenced content. Constructor. Creates a new, full copy of a ObjectTranslation object. The full copy of a ObjectTranslation object. Deprecated. Use CopyTo method instead. Copies an object to the specified object. The other object. Sets a translation for a property of a metadata object. Metadata object whose property is being translated. Property that is being translated. Translated value of the property. Initializes a new instance of the OutOfSyncException class. The unknown reference. Sets the with information about the exception. The that holds the serialized object data about the exception begin thrown. The that contains contextual information about the source or destination. Constructor. Creates a new, full copy of a Partition object. A new, full copy of a Partition object. Deprecated. Use CopyTo method instead. Copies a Partition object to the specified object. The specified partition object. Deprecated. Use RequestRefresh method instead. Refresh type Deprecated. Use RequestRefresh method instead. Refresh type Overrides - collection of overriden properties of real metadata object Deprecated. Use RequestRename method instead. New name of the object Request to merge partitions. Source partitions for merge partition Request refresh of this object. Refresh type Request refresh of this object with overrides. Refresh type Overrides - collection of overriden properties of real metadata object Request rename of this object. New name of the object Initializes a new instance of the class. The parent object. Initializes a new instance of the class. Constructor. Creates a new, full copy of a Perspective object. A new, full copy of a Perspective object. Deprecated. Use CopyTo method instead. Copies a Perspective object to the specified object. The specified object. Deprecated. Use RequestRename method instead. New name of the object Request rename of this object. New name of the object Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified object. The specified object. Constructor. Creates a new, full copy of a object. A newly created copy of the object. Deprecated. Use CopyTo method instead. Copies a object to the specified object. The object to copy to. Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified PerspectiveColumn. The specified PerspectiveColumn. Constructor. Creates a new, full copy of a PerspectiveHierarchy object. A new full copy of a PerspectiveHierarchy object. Deprecated. Use CopyTo method instead. Copies a PerspectiveHierarchy object to the specified object. The specified object. Initializes a new instance of the class. The parent object. Constructor. Creates a new, full copy of a PerspectiveMeasure object. A new, full copy of a PerspectiveMeasure object. Deprecated. Use CopyTo method instead. The object to copy from. Copies a PerspectiveMeasure object to the specified object. The specified object. Initializes a new instance of the class. The parent perspective measure. Constructor. Creates a new, full copy of a PerspectiveTable object. The new perspective table object. Deprecated. Use CopyTo method instead. Copies a PerspectiveTable object to the specified object. The PerspectiveTable. Initializes a new instance of the class. The perspective table. Constructor. The data source used in the query. Creates a new, full copy of a Relationship object. A new, full copy of a Relationship object. Deprecated. Use CopyTo method instead. Copies a Relationship object to the specified object. A specified object. Deprecated. Use RequestRename method instead. New name of the object Request rename of this object. New name of the object Initializes a new instance of the class with a given parent object. The parent object. Initializes a new instance of the Role class using the default values. Initializes a new instance of using a name. A String that contains the name of the Role. Initializes a new instance of Role using a name and an identifier. A String that contains the name of the . A String that contains a unique identifier for the . Returns a clone of the object. The clone. Infrastructure. Creates a new copy of the object. true to force the body to load; otherwise, false. A new copy of the object. Infrastructure. Copies a object to the specified destination. The destination object to copy to. true to force the body to load; otherwise, false. Copies a object to the specified object. The object you are copying to. A role object. Creates a new body for the current object. Determines whether the current object depends on an object. The object to depend on. true if the current object depends on an object; otherwise, false. Writes a reference for the . The writer. Creates a new copy of the object instance. A new copy of the object instance. Creates the Role object, generates a unique Name and ID, adds the object to the collection, and returns the object. The newly created Role. Adds the specified Role to this collection (at the last position). The Role to add to this collection. The zero-based index in collection to which the item was added. Creates the Role object using the Name provided, generates an ID, adds the object to the collection, and returns the object. The Name for the new Role. It must be unique within the collection. The newly created Role. Creates the Role object using the Name and ID provided, adds it to the collection, and returns the object. The Name for the new Role. It must be unique within the collection. The ID for the new Role. It must be unique within the collection. The newly created Role. Determines whether a Role with the specified Name is in the collection. The Role to look up in the collection. True if the specified Role is found in the collection, False otherwise. Determines whether a Role with the specified ID is in the collection. The ID of the Role to look up. True if a Role with the specified ID is found in the collection, False otherwise. Returns the Role with the specified ID, or null if not found. The ID of the Role to return. The Role with the specified ID, or null if not found. Returns the Role with the specified Name, or null if not found. The Name used to identify the Role. The Role with the specified Name. Returns the Role with the specified Name. The Name used to identify the Role. The Role with the specified Name. The collection doesn't contain a Role with that Name. Searches for the specified Role by name and returns its zero-based index within the collection. The Role to locate. The zero-based index of the Role in the collection, if found; otherwise, -1. Searches for a Role with the specified ID and returns its zero-based index within the collection. The ID of the Role to look up. The zero-based index of the Role in the collection, if found; otherwise, -1. Creates a Role object, generates a unique Name and ID, inserts the object at the specified index, and returns a new Role. The zero-based index at which the new Role is inserted. The newly created Role. Inserts a Role into this collection at the specified index. The zero-based index at which the Role is inserted. The name of the Role to insert into this collection. Creates a Role object using the name provided, generates an ID, inserts the object at the specified index, and returns the object. The zero-based index at which the new Role is inserted. The Name for the new Role. It must be unique within the collection. The newly created Role. Creates a Role object using the name and ID provided, inserts it at the specified index, and returns a new Role. The zero-based index at which the new Role is inserted. The Name for the new Role. It must be unique within the collection. The ID for the new Role. It must be unique within the collection. The newly created Role. Moves a Role in a collection to a specified position using the ID to identify the object. The Name of the Role to be moved. The zero-based index where the Role will be moved. Moves a Role in collection from one position in the index to another. The source zero-based index from which the Role will be moved. The destination zero-based index to which the Role will be moved. The Role that was moved. Moves a Role in a collection to a specified position using the Name to identify the object. The ID of the Role to be moved. The zero-based index where the Role will be moved. The Role that was moved. Removes the specified Role from this collection using the Name to locate the Role. The Name of the Role to remove. Removes the specified Role from this collection, and optionally removes any references to the object. The name of Role to remove. If false, it will not delete referencing objects. Removes a Role from this collection using the ID to locate the Role. The ID of the Role to be removed. Removes a Role from this collection based on its ID, and optionally removes any references to the object. The ID of the Role to be removed. If false, it will not delete referencing objects. Initializes a new instance of the . Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the Server using the default values. Starts a transaction on the server. Returns a clone of the object. The clone. Infrastructure. Creates a new copy of the object. true to force the body to load; otherwise, false. A new copy of the object. Commits the changes made in the current transaction. Commits the changes made in the current transaction and returns . which will hold the result of the transaction. Infrastructure. Copies a object to the specified destination. The destination object to copy to. true to force the body to load; otherwise, false. Copies the content of this object to another object (the destination). The destination object to copy to. The destination object. Disconnects the object from the Analysis Services server. true if session must be closed; otherwise, false. Retrieves the date and time when the specified object schema was last updated. The specified object schema. The date and time when the specified object schema was last updated. Creates a new body for the server. Determines whether the dimension permission depends on an object. The object. true if the dimension permission depends on an object; otherwise, false. Writes a reference for the server. The XML writer. Rolls back the current transaction on the connection to the server. Creates a new copy of the current object. The newly created copy of the object. Infrastructure. Sends the updates made on the object to the Analysis Services server. The objects that are updated. Infrastructure. Sends the updates made on the object to the Analysis Services server. The objects that are updated. The collection to store impact information in. Indicates whether the Server object is valid. A collection of objects. true to indicate that detailed errors are included in the errors parameter; otherwise, false. The edition of the server. true if the object returns valid; otherwise, false. Starts a session trace based on the object. Stops a session trace based on the object. Constructor. Constructor. Creates a new, full copy of a Table object. A new, full copy of a Table object. Deprecated. Use CopyTo method instead. Copies a Table object to the specified object. The table. Deprecated. Use RequestRefresh method instead. Refresh type Deprecated. Use RequestRefresh method instead. Refresh type Overrides - collection of overriden properties of real metadata object Deprecated. Use RequestRename method instead. New name of the object Request refresh of this object. Refresh type Request refresh of this object with overrides. Refresh type Overrides - collection of overriden properties of real metadata object Request rename of this object. New name of the object Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified table object. The specified table object. Constructor. Creates a new, full copy of a TablePermission object. A new, full copy of a TablePermission object. Deprecated. Use CopyTo method instead. Copies a TablePermission object to the specified object. The specified object to copy. Initializes a new instance of the class. The table permission. Initializes a new instance of the Trace class using default values. Initializes a new instance of the Trace class using a name and an identifier. Name of the ID of the Returns a clone of the object. The clone. Copies the content of this object to another object (the destination). The destination object to copy to. The destination object. Creates a new body for the trace. Determines whether the current object depends on an object. The object. true if the current object depends on an object; otherwise, false. Writes a reference for the trace. The writer of the reference. Starts a Trace. Stops a Trace. Creates a new object that is a copy of the current instance. A new object that is a copy of this instance. Creates a Trace, generates a unique Name and ID, adds the object to the collection, and returns the new object. The newly created Trace. Adds the specified Trace to this collection (at the last position). The Trace to add to this collection. The zero-based index in collection to which the item was added. Creates a Trace using the Name provided, generates an ID, adds the object to the collection, and returns the new object. The Name for the new Trace. It must be unique within the collection. The newly created Trace. Creates a Trace using the Name and ID provided, adds it to the collection, and returns a new Trace object. The Name for the new Trace. It must be unique within the collection. The ID for the new Trace. It must be unique within the collection. The newly created Trace. Determines whether the specified Trace is in the collection. The object is identified by Name. The Name of the Trace object to look up. True if the specified Trace is found in the collection, False otherwise. Determines whether a Trace with the specific ID is in the collection. The ID of the Trace to look up. True if a Trace with the specified ID is found in the collection, False otherwise. Returns the Trace with the specified ID or null if not found. The ID of the Trace to return. The Trace with the specified ID or null if not found. Returns the Trace with the specified Name or null if not found. The Name used to identify the Trace. The Trace with the specified Name. Returns the Trace with the specified Name. The Name used to identify the Trace. The Trace with the specified Name. The collection doesn't contain a Trace with that Name. Searches for the specified Trace and returns its zero-based index within the collection. The object is identified by Name. The Name of the Trace object to look up. The zero-based index of the Trace in the collection, if found; otherwise, -1. Searches for a Trace with a specific ID and returns its zero-based index within the collection. The ID of the Trace to look up. The zero-based index of the Trace in the collection, if found; otherwise, -1. Creates a Trace object, generates a unique Name and ID, inserts the Trace at the specified index, and returns the new object. The zero-based index at which the new Trace is inserted. The newly created Trace. Inserts a Trace into this collection at the specified index. The zero-based index at which the Trace is inserted. The Name of the Trace to insert into this collection. Creates a Trace object using the unique Name provided, inserts it at the specified index, and returns the new object. A unique object ID is generated for the object. The zero-based index at which the new Trace is inserted. The Name for the new Trace. It must be unique within the collection. The newly created Trace. Creates a Trace object using the unique Name and ID provided, inserts it at the specified index, and returns the new object. The zero-based index at which the new Trace is inserted. The Name for the new Trace. It must be unique within the collection. The ID for the new Trace. It must be unique within the collection. The newly created Trace. Moves a Trace in a collection to a specified position. The object is identified by ID. The Trace to be moved. The zero-based index to which the Trace will be moved. Moves a Trace in collection from one position in the index to another. The source zero-based index from which the Trace will be moved. The destination zero-based index to which the Trace will be moved. The Trace that was moved. Moves a Trace in a collection to a specified position. The object is identified by Name. The ID of the Trace to be moved. The zero-based index where the Trace will be moved. The Trace that was moved. Removes the specified Trace from this collection. The object is identified by Name. The Name of the Trace to remove. Removes the specified Trace from this collection using the name provided, and optionally deletes references to the Trace from other objects. The Name Trace to remove. If false, it will not delete referencing objects. Removes a Trace from this collection using the object ID given. The ID of the Trace to be removed. Removes a Trace from this collection using the ID provided, and optionally deletes references to the Trace from other objects. The ID of the Trace to be removed. If false, it will not delete referencing objects. Adds the specified TraceColumn to this collection, where the object is identified by Name. The Name of the TraceColumn to add to this collection. The zero-based index in collection where the item was added. Removes all TraceColumn objects from the collection. A Boolean indicating whether the specified TraceColumn is in the collection. The Name of the TraceColumn to look up. True if the specified TraceColumn is found in the collection, False otherwise. Removes the specified TraceColumn from this collection, where the object is identified by Name. The TraceColumn to remove. Copies the elements of the collection to an array, starting at a particular index. The destination of the elements copied from collection. The zero-based index in at which copying begins. Defines an enumerator that iterates through a collection. An IEnumerator object that can be used to iterate through the collection. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The trace event class. Returns a clone of the object. The clone. Copies the content of this object to another object (the destination). The destination object to copy to. The destination object. Creates a new copy of the current instance. A newly created copy of the current instance. Returns an XmlSchema that describes the XML representation of the object that is produced by the IXmlSerializable.WriteXml method and consumed by the IXmlSerializable.ReadXml method. An XmlSchema that describes the XML representation of the object that is produced by the IXmlSerializable.WriteXml method and consumed by the IXmlSerializable.ReadXml method. Generates an object from its XML representation. The XML reader. Converts an object into its XML representation. The stream to which the object is serialized. Initializes a new instance of the class. Adds the specified TraceColumn to this collection. The Name of the TraceColumn to add to this collection. The zero-based index in the collection where the item was added. Creates and adds a TraceEvent, with the specified TraceEventClass value, to the end of the collection. The TraceEventClass value of the TraceEvent to return. A new, empty TraceEvent. Empties an exisitng TraceEvent collection of all existing objects. Returns a value that indicates whether the contains in the specified TraceEvent. The specified TraceEvent. true if the contains in the specified trace event; otherwise, false. Indicates a value whether the collection contains a TraceEvent that has the specified value. The value of the TraceEvent to return. true if the TraceEvent exists in the collection; otherwise, false. , Returns the TraceEvent with the specified EventId or null if not found. The EventId of the TraceEvent to return. The TraceEvent with the specified EventId or null if not found. Removes the from the specified TraceEvent. The specified TraceEvent. Removes the TraceEventCollection from the specified TraceEventClass. The specified event identifier. Copies the object to the specified array starting at the specified index. The destination of the object copied. The index in at which copying begins. Retrieves an enumerator that iterates through a collection. An object that can be used to iterate through the collection. Gets a value indicating whether metadata overrides can be used when issuing a refresh request with this RefreshType. Type of refresh. True indicates that the RefreshType allows updates to existing data. Gets the syntactically valid name of the object. Null or empty names are replaced with a default name. Names exceeding maximum allowed length are trimmed. Invalid XML is removed. An input name subject to validation. Type of object. Returns a syntactically valid name. A Boolean indicating whether the name is syntactically correct. Name to evaluate. Type of object. Error information about invalid object names. True indicates the name passes validation, False otherwise. If an error condition exists, an error string is returned. Initializes a new instance of the class. Constructor. Gets or sets the date and time in which this annotation was modified. The date and time in which this annotation was modified. Gets or sets the name of the object. The name of the object. Gets or sets the object property. The object property. Gets the type of the object. The type of the object. Gets or sets the Parent object, null for Model objects. The Parent object. Gets or sets the value of the annotation. A String containing the value of the annotation. Gets or sets the user credentials under which an assembly is run. The user credentials under which an assembly is run. Gets the base type of the current object. The base type of the current object. Gets the object reference implementation of the assembly The object reference implementation. Gets the parent database of the current object. The parent database of the current object. Gets the parent server implementation of the assembly. The parent server implementation. Gets the path for the specified object. The path for the specified object. Gets the collection object of all annotations in the current AttributeHierarchy. The collection object of all annotations in the current AttributeHierarchy. Gets a column object. A column object. Gets or sets the date and time at which the object was last modified. The date and time at which the object was last modified. Gets the type of the object. The type of the object. Gets the Parent object. This value is null for Model objects. The parent object. Gets or sets the time that the object was last refreshed. The time that the object was last refreshed. Gets or sets the object state. The object state. Gets or sets the expression of this calculated column. The expression of this calculated column. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the data type of the calculated column is inferred. true if the data type of the calculated column is inferred; otherwise, false. Gets or sets the query used to build the calculated partition. The query used to build the calculated partition. Gets the origin of the column. The origin of the column. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the data type of the column is inferred. true if the data type of the column is inferred; otherwise, false. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the name of the column is inferred. true if the name of the column is inferred; otherwise, false. Gets or sets the string source of the column. A String that contains the source of the column. Gets the collection of files associated with a ClrAssembly. The collection of files associated with a ClrAssembly. Gets or sets the for a ClrAssembly. The for a . Gets or sets the alignment for this property. The alignment for this property. Gets the collection object of all annotations in the current Column. The collection object of all annotations in the current Column. Gets or sets the attribute hierarchy of this column. The attribute hierarchy of this column. Gets or sets the data category of the object. The data category of the object. Gets or sets the type of data stored in the column. For a DataColumn, specifies the data type. See for a list of supported data types. A DataType object that represents the column data type. Gets or sets a Description property for this object. A Description property for this object. Gets or sets the display folder used by this column. The display folder used by this column. Gets or sets a 32-bit integer display ordinal. A 32-bit integer display ordinal. Gets or sets a string that explains the error state associated with the current object. It is set by the engine only when the state of the object is one of these three values: SemanticError, DependencyError, or EvaluationError. It is applicable only to columns of the type Calculated or CalculatedTableColumn. It will be empty for other column objects. A string that explains the error state associated with the current object. Gets or sets the format string set for this column. The format string set for this column. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the column can be used in an MDX expression or query. true if the column can be used in an MDX expression or query; otherwise, false. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the image used is the default image. true if the image used is the default image; otherwise, false. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the label is the default label. true if the label is the default label; otherwise, false. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the column is hidden. true if the column is hidden; otherwise, false. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the column is a key of the table. true if the column is a key of the table; otherwise, false. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the column is nullable. true if the column is nullable; otherwise, false. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the values of the column is unique. true if the values of the column is unique; otherwise, false. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the table keeps the unique rows. true if the table keeps the unique rows; otherwise, false. Gets or sets the date and time the column was modified. The date and time the column was modified. Gets or sets the name of a column in a tabular model. The name of a column in a tabular model. Gets the type of the object. The type of the object. Gets the parent object, null for Model objects. The parent object. Gets the date and time at which the column was last refreshed. The date and time at which the column was last refreshed. Gets or sets the column used to sort rows in a table. The column used to sort rows in a table. Gets or sets the data type in the external data source (e.g. NVARCHAR(50) for a string column). The data type in the external data source. Gets or sets the calculated columns or columns in a calculated table, the state of this column is either calculated (Ready), or not (CalculationNeeded), or an error. For non-calculated columns it is always Ready. The state object. Gets or sets a date and time at which this structure was last modified. A date and time at which this structure was last modified. Gets or sets the aggregation function used by this column. The aggregation function used by this column. Gets or sets the Table object. The Table object. Gets or sets a 32-bit integer specifying the position of the Detail record in the Table. A 32-bit integer specifying the position of the Detail record in the Table. Gets or sets the column type. The column type. Gets or sets the source where the COM assembly file is located. The source where the COM assembly file is located. Gets the collection object of all annotations in the current Culture. The collection object of all annotations in the current Culture. Gets or sets the linguistic metadata for the culture property. The linguistic metadata. Gets or sets the time that the object was last modified. The time that the object was last modified. Gets or sets the name of the object. The name of the object. Gets the collection object of all ObjectTranslations in the current Culture. The collection object of all ObjectTranslations in the current Culture. Gets the type of the object. The type of the object. Gets or sets the Parent object, null for Model objects. The Parent object, null for Model objects. Gets or sets the time that the structure of the object was last modified. The time that the structure of the object was last modified. Gets a value that indicates whether the database is affected by current transaction. true if the database is affected by current transaction; otherwise, false. Gets the type from which the current object directly inherits. The type from which the current object directly inherits. Gets the ID-based reference to the object. The ID-based reference to the object. Gets the parent database of the current object. The parent database of the current object. Gets the parent server. The parent server. Gets the path implementation for this object. The path implementation for this object. Gets or sets the child of the . The child Model of the . Gets the parent of a Database. The parent of a Database. Gets the parent of a Database. The parent Server of a Database. Gets the Database at the specified zero-based index. The zero-based index The Database at the specified zero-based index. Gets the Database with the specified ID. The specified ID. The Database with the specified ID. The collection doesn't contain a Database with the specified ID. Gets or sets the SourceColumn property of the current DataColumn object. A String containing the SourceColumn property of the current DataColumn object. Gets or sets the original object. The original object. Gets or sets the overriden SourceColumn property of the original DataColumn object. A String that contains the overriden SourceColumn property of the original DataColumn object. Gets the collection of overriden columns. The collection of overriden columns. Gets the collection of overriden data sources. The collection of overriden data sources. Gets the collection of overriden partitions. The collection of overriden partitions. Gets or sets the scope object to which the overrides are resticted. The scope object to which the overrides are resticted. Gets or sets the original partition object. The original partition object. Gets or sets the overriden source property of the original partition object. The overriden source property of the original partition object. Gets or sets the overriden account property of the original ProviderDataSource object. The overriden account property of the original ProviderDataSource object. Gets or sets the overriden ConnectionString property of the original ProviderDataSource object. The overriden ConnectionString property of the original ProviderDataSource object. Gets or sets the overriden ImpersonationMode property of the original ProviderDataSource object. The overriden ImpersonationMode property of the original ProviderDataSource object. Gets or sets the overriden isolation property of the original ProviderDataSource object. The overriden isolation property of the original ProviderDataSource object. Gets or sets the overriden MaxConnections property of the original ProviderDataSource object. An overriden MaxConnections property of the original ProviderDataSource object. Gets or sets the Original ProviderDataSource object. The Original ProviderDataSource object. Gets or sets the overriden password property of the original ProviderDataSource object. A String containing the overriden password property of the original ProviderDataSource object. Gets or sets the provider property of the original ProviderDataSource object. The provider property of the original ProviderDataSource object. Gets or sets the override Timeout property of the original ProviderDataSource object. The override Timeout property. Gets or sets the DataSource that will be used for the duration of the refresh operation. The DataSource that will be used for the duration of the refresh operation. Gets or sets the Query that will be used for the duration of the refresh operation. A String that contains the Query that will be used for the duration of the refresh operation. Gets the collection object of all annotations in the current DataSource. The collection object of all annotations in the current DataSource. Gets or sets an accessor specifying the Description property of the body of the object. An String accessor specifying the Description property of the body of the object. Gets or sets the date and timestamp indicating when the data source connection was opened. The date and timestamp indicating when the data source connection was opened. Gets or sets an accessor specifying the name property of the body of the object. The name property of the body of the object. Gets the type of the object. The type of the object. Gets or sets the parent object, null for Model objects. The parent object, null for Model objects. Gets or sets an accessor specifying the type of data source providing data to the object. An accessor specifying the type of data source providing data to the object. Determines whether partitions are merged with Table. true if partitions are merged with Table; otherwise, false. Gets or sets the identity provider. The identity provider. Gets or sets the external role for the member type property. The role member type property. Gets the collection object of all annotations in the current Hierarchy. The collection object of all annotations in the current Hierarchy. Gets or sets the description of the object. The description of the object. Gets or sets the display folder. The display folder. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the hierarchy is hidden. true if the hierarchy is hidden; otherwise, false. Gets the collection object of all levels in the current Hierarchy. The collection object of all levels in the current Hierarchy. Gets or sets the date and time in which this hierarchy was modified. The date and time in which this hierarchy was modified. Gets or sets the name of the Hierarchy. A String name of the Hierarchy. Gets the type of the object. The type of the object. Gets or sets the Parent object, null for Model objects. The parent object. Gets or sets the last refreshed time. The last refreshed time. Gets or sets the object state. An object state. Gets or sets the modified date and time for the structure of Hierarchy. The modified date and time for the structure of Hierarchy.. Gets or sets the table object. The table object. Gets the object type from which the current object is derived. The object type from which the current object is derived. Gets a Boolean value indicating whether the object is currently loaded. true if the object is currently loaded; otherwise, false. Gets a pointer to the memory location of the current object. A pointer to the memory location of the current object. Gets the parent database referred to by IMajorObject. The parent database referred to by IMajorObject. Gets the Server object that is the parent of the IMajorObject object. The Server object that is the parent of the IMajorObject object. Gets the fully-qualified object name. A String that contains the fully-qualified object name. Infrastructure. Gets a value that indicates whether the initiation status of an object is started. true if the initiation status of an object is started; otherwise, false. Infrastructure. Gets the parent server of a trace. The parent server of a trace. Gets the collection object of all annotations in the current KPI. The collection object of all annotations in the current KPI. Gets or sets the description for the KPI. An String description for the KPI. Gets or sets the measure of this object. The measure of this object. Gets or sets the date and time in which the KPI was modified. The date and time in which the KPI was modified. Gets the type of the object. The type of the object. Gets or sets the MetadataObject that is the parent of the KPI object. The metadata object. Gets or sets the status description for the current KPI. A String containing the status description for the current KPI. Gets or sets an expression that is used to calculate the status of the KPI. An expression that is used to calculate the status of the KPI. Gets or sets a visual element that provides a quick indication of the status for a KPI. The name of the status graphic. Gets or sets the target description. The target description. Gets or sets the target expression of the KPI. A String containing the target expression of the KPI. Gets or sets the string format of the current KPI. A String contains the target format of the current KPI. Gets or sets the trend description for the KPI. A String containing the trend description for the KPI. Gets or sets an expression representing the trend of the KPI. An expression representing the trend of the KPI. Gets or sets the string that identifies the graphic to show for the trend of the KPI. The string that identifies the graphic to show for the trend of the KPI. Gets the collection of object of all annotations in the current Level. The collection of object of all annotations in the current Level. Gets or sets the column of the object. The column of the object. Gets or sets the description of the object. The string containing the description of the object. Gets an ID-based reference to a Hierarchy object. An ID-based reference to a Hierarchy object. Gets or sets the modified date and time of the current object. The modified date and time of the current object. Gets or sets the name of the property. The name of the property. Gets the type of the object. The type of the object. Gets or sets the level of the ordinal position. The level of the ordinal position. Gets or sets parent of the current object. This value is null for Model objects. A parent of the current object. Gets the collection object of all annotations in the current LinguisticMetadata. The collection object of all annotations in the current LinguisticMetadata. Gets or sets the XML representation of the linguistic metadata. An String containing the XML representation of the linguistic metadata. Gets or sets the culture of the object. The culture of the object. Gets or sets the date and time the object was modified. The date and time the object was modified. Gets the type of the object. The type of the object. Gets or sets the parent object, null for Model objects. The parent object, null for Model objects. Gets the collection object of all annotations in the current Measure. The collection object of all annotations in the current Measure. Gets or sets the Auto Inferred data type of the measure. The Auto Inferred data type of the measure. Gets or sets the description of the . The description of the . Gets or sets the fully qualified name of the display folders. The fully qualified name of the display folders. Gets or sets the error message. The error message. Gets or sets the Multidimensional Expressions (MDX) expression that is used to aggregate the Measure. A String containing the MDX expression that is used to aggregate values for a Measure. Gets or sets the FormatString information of the , for use by clients. A String that contains the FormatString information. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the measure is hidden. true if the measure is hidden; otherwise, false. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the object is an implicit measure, i.e. a measure automatically created by client tools to aggregate a field? Client applications (may) hide measures which have this flag set. true if the object is an implicit measure; otherwise, false. Gets or sets the KPI for the object. The KPI for the object. Gets or sets the modified date and time for this property. The modified date and time for this property. Gets or sets the name of the . The name of the . Gets the type of the object. A type of the object. Gets the parent object, null for Model objects. The parent object. Gets or sets the state of the . The state of the . Gets or sets the modified time for the structure. The modified time for the structure. Gets an ID-based reference to a Table object. An ID-based reference to a Table object. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether this object was removed from an object tree. true if this object was removed from an object tree; otherwise, false. Gets the Tabular model of the object. The Tabular model of the object. Gets the type of object. The type of object. Gets or sets the parent of the current MetadataObject. A parent of the current MetadataObject. Gets a count of the objects in the collection. A count of the objects in the collection. Gets a value that indicates whether the collection is read-only. true if the collection is read-only; otherwise, false. Gets the object at the specified index position in the collection. The zero-based index of the element. The object at the specified index. Gets or sets the parent object of the MetadataObject collection. The parent object of the MetadataObject collection. Gets a count of the objects in the collection. A count of the objects in the collection. Gets a value that indicates whether the collection is read only. true if the collection is read only; otherwise, false. Gets the collection object of all annotations in the current Model. The collection object of all annotations in the current Model. Gets or sets the collation used on the object. The collation used on the object. Gets or sets the Culture object used for translation scenarios. A string containing the Culture object used for translation scenarios. Gets the collection object of all cultures in the current Model. The collection object of all cultures in the current Model. Gets the parent of the object. The parent of the object. Gets the collection object of all datasources in the current Model. The collection object of all datasources in the current Model. Gets or sets the data view type used by default for partitions throughout the model. The data view type used by default for partitions throughout the model. Gets or sets the DefaultMode value inherited by sample and full data view partitions used throughout the model. The DefaultMode value inherited by sample and full data view partitions used throughout the model. Gets or sets the description of the object. The String description of the object. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the model has local changes. true if the model has local changes; otherwise, false. Gets the time that the object was last modified. The time that the object was last modified. Gets or sets the name property of the body of an object. The name property of the body of an object. Gets the type of the object. A type of the object. Gets or sets the parent object. Null for Model objects. The parent object. Gets the collection object of all perspectives in the current Model. The collection object of all perspectives in the current Model. Gets the collection object of all relationships in the current Model. The collection object of all relationships in the current Model. Gets the collection object of all roles in the current Model. The collection of roles in the current Model. Gets the name of a server object, where the server is an Analysis Services tabular instance. A name of a server object, where the server is an Analysis Services tabular instance. Gets or sets the storage location of the database. A String containing storage location of the database. Gets the date and time when the structure was last modified. The date and time when the structure was last modified. Gets the collection object of all tables in the current Model. The collection object of all tables in the current Model. Gets or sets the impact that the operation caused on the Model. The impact that the operation caused on the Model. Gets or sets the Xmla results returned by the Server (if any) Or 'null', if there was no request sent to server or server didn't return anything. The collection of Xmla results. Gets the collection object of all annotations in the current ModelRole. The collection object of all annotations in the current ModelRole. Gets or sets a string description for the object. A String containing description for the object. Gets the collection object of all members in the current . The collection of members in the current . Gets or sets the model permission. The model permission. Gets or sets the date and time at which the object were last modified. The date and time at which the object were last modified. Gets or sets the role name in the model. The role name in the model. Gets the type of the object. The type of the object. Gets or sets the Parent object, null for Model objects. The Parent object, null for Model objects. Gets the collection object of all tablepermissions in the current ModelRole. Gets the collection object of all annotations in the current ModelRoleMember. The collection object of all annotations in the current ModelRoleMember. Gets or sets the member identifier. The member identifier. Gets or sets the member name. The member name. Gets the date and time when the object was last modified. The date and time when the object was last modified. Gets or sets the name of membership in an existing role. A string containing the name of membership in an existing role. Gets the type of the object. The type of the object. Gets or sets the Parent object, null for Model objects. The Parent object, null for Model objects. Gets or sets the model role object. The model role object. Gets or sets an accessor that returns the MetadataObject name. An accessor that returns the MetadataObject name. Gets the index in the collection of the named metadata object with the specified name. Name of the collection. Returns the index of the collection. Gets all objects that were added to the tree. The objects that were added to the tree. Gets the Roots of branches added to an object tree. For example, if Table is added to the Model, only Table will appear in AddedObjects list, but not its children Columns or Partition. The Roots of branches added to an object tree. Gets a value that indicates whether the impact is empty - contains no model changes. true if the impact is empty; otherwise, false. Gets all property changes that happened on all objects that were existing and still remain existing (not removed or added) in the tree. The property changes. Gets all the objects that were removed from the tree. The objects that were removed from the tree. Gets the roots of branches removed from an object tree. For example, if Table is removed from the Model, only Table will appear in RemovedSubtreeRoots list, but not its children Columns or Partition. The roots of branches removed from an object tree. Gets or sets the assembly identifier associated with a given ObjectReference object. A String that contains the assembly identifier associated with a given ObjectReference object. Gets or sets the identifier for the database in which the object resides. The database identifier. Gets a value indicating whether the object referenced is valid. true if the object referenced is valid; otherwise, false. Gets or sets the role identifier for the object referenced. The role identifier for the object referenced. Gets or sets the trace identifier for the object referenced. The trace identifier for the object referenced. Gets or sets the culture of the object translation. The culture of the object translation. Gets or sets the modified date and time of the object. The modified date and time of the object. Gets or sets the translatable object for this property. The translatable object for this property. Gets the type of the object. The object type. Gets or sets the Parent object, null for Model objects. The Parent object. Gets or sets the property of the object that is being translated. Possible values are as follows. Invalid (-1) Default invalid value. Caption (1) Object caption (shown instead of the name when available). Description (2) Object description. DisplayFolder (3) DisplayFolder property. THe property of the object that is being translated. Gets or sets the value of the object translation. A string value of the object translation. Gets an object storing translation metadata. The Translation object. An enumeration that indicates which property is being translated. Returns the name-value pairs of the object name and property. Gets the unknown reference on the synchronization. The unknown reference on the synchronization. Gets the collection object of all annotations in the current Partition. The annotations in the current Partition. Gets or sets the type of data view that defines a partition slice. The type of data view that defines a partition slice. Gets or sets the Description property of the current column. The Description property of the current column. Gets or sets an error message if the column is invalid or in an error state. An error message if the column is invalid or in an error state. Gets or sets the type of the model (import or DirectQuery). The type of the mode. Gets the time that the object was last modified. The time that the object was last modified. Gets or sets the name of the partition. The name of the partition. Gets the type of the object. The type of the object. Gets or sets the parent object, null for Model objects. The metadata object. Gets the date and time at which the partition was last refreshed. The date and time at which the partition was last refreshed. Gets or sets the PartitionSource object. The PartitionSource object. Gets the Type of PartitionSource. The Type of PartitionSource. Gets or sets the state for the object partitions. For regular partitions, Ready if the partition has been refreshed or NoData if it was never refreshed or if it was cleared. For calculated partitions, as with calculated columns, this value can be CalculationNeeded or Ready. The object state for the partitions. Gets or sets the reference to a Table object that owns this Partition. The reference to a Table object that owns this Partition. Gets or sets an accessor that returns a Partition object. An accessor that returns a Partition object. Gets the collection object of all annotations in the current Perspective. The collection object of all annotations in the current Perspective. Gets or sets the description of the object. The string contining the description of the object. Gets or sets the modified date and time for the Perspective. A modified date and time for the Perspective. Gets or sets the name of the property. The name of the property. Gets the type of the object. The type of the object. Gets or sets the parent object, null for Model objects. The parent object. Gets the collection object of all perspectivetables in the current Perspective. The collection object of all perspectivetables in the current Perspective. Gets the collection object of all annotations in the current PerspectiveColumn. The collection of perspective column annotation. Gets or sets an ID-based reference to a Column object. An ID-based reference to a Column object. Gets or sets the modified date and time for the column. The modified date and time for the column. Gets or sets the name of the object. The name of the object. Gets the type of the object. The type of the object. Gets the parent object, null for Model objects. The parent object. Gets or sets the PerspectiveTable in the perspectivecolumn. The PerspectiveTable. Gets the collection object of all annotations in the current PerspectiveHierarchy. The collection object of all annotations in the current PerspectiveHierarchy. Gets or sets the hierarchy object in the . The hierarchy object. Gets or sets the modified date and time of PerspectiveHierarchy object. The modified date and time of the PerspectiveHierarchy object. Gets or sets the name of the object. The name of the object. Gets the type of the object. The type of the object. Gets the parent object, null for Model objects. The parent object. Gets or sets the PerspectiveTable for the PerspectiveHierarchy object. The PerspectiveTable for the PerspectiveHierarchy object. Gets the collection object of all annotations in the current PerspectiveMeasure. A collection object of all annotations in the current PerspectiveMeasure. Gets or sets the measure associated with a object. The measure associated with a object. Gets the time that the object was last modified. The time that the object was last modified. Gets or sets the name of the object that is derived from the referenced Measure. Therefore, setting the Name property is not allowed on this object. A String name of the object that is derived from the referenced Measure. Gets the type of the object. The type of the object. Gets or sets the Parent object, null for Model objects. The Parent object. Gets or sets the PerspectiveTable for the PerspectiveMeasure objects. The PerspectiveTable for the PerspectiveMeasure objects. Gets the collection object of all annotations in the current PerspectiveTable. The collection object of all annotations in the current PerspectiveTable. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to include all the objects. true if to include all the objects; otherwise, false. Gets the time that the object was last modified. The time that the object was last modified. Gets or sets the name of the object. The name of the object. Gets the type of the object. The type of the object. Gets or sets the parent object, null for Model objects. A parent object, null for Model objects Gets or sets the perspective table object. The perspective table object. Gets the collection object of all perspectivecolumns in the current PerspectiveTable. The collection object of all perspectivecolumns in the current PerspectiveTable. Gets the collection object of all PerspectiveHierarchies in the current PerspectiveTable. The collection object of all PerspectiveHierarchies in the current PerspectiveTable. Gets the collection object of all PerspectiveMeasures in the current PerspectiveTable. The collection object of all PerspectiveMeasures in the current PerspectiveTable. Gets or sets the table for this property. The table for this property. Gets or sets a new value of the property. A new value of the property. Gets or sets the Metadata object whose property was changed. The Metadata object whose property was changed. Gets the original value of the property. The original value of the property. Gets or sets the name of the property. The name of the property. Gets or sets the Type of the property. The Type of the property. Gets or sets the account for the data source. The account for the data source. Gets or sets the connection string to the data source. A connection containing string to the data source. Gets or sets the impersonation mode to connect to the data source. The impersonation mode to connect to the data source. Gets or sets the isolation property for a DataSource object. The data source isolation status. Gets or sets the maximum number of connections to be opened concurrently to the data source. The maximum number of connections to be opened concurrently to the data source. Gets or sets the password of the data source provider. A String containing the password of the data source provider. Gets or sets the provider of the data source. The string containing the provider of the data source. Gets or sets the timeout in seconds for commands executed against the data source. The timeout in seconds for commands executed against the data source. Gets or sets a named object specifying a connection string to an external data source that provides data to the model. See for a list of supported data sources. The data source. Gets or sets a query assigned to a partition, providing a slice of the dataset stored in the partition. A string query assigned to a partition, providing a slice of the dataset stored in the partition. Gets the collection object of all annotations in the current Relationship. The annotations in the current Relationship. Gets or sets the cross filtering behavior in the relationship. The cross filtering behavior in the relationship. Gets or sets the starting table in a directional table relationship. The starting table in a directional table relationship. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the column is active. true if the column is active; otherwise, false. Gets or sets the join on date behavior for this property. The join on date behavior for this property. Gets or sets the date and time of the object at which was last modified. The date and time of the object at which was last modified. Gets or sets the name of the column. The name of the column. Gets the type of the object. The type of the object. Gets or sets the Parent object, null for Model objects. The Parent object, null for Model objects. Gets or sets the updated date and time for the object. The updated date and time for the object. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether if the object relies on referential integrity. true if the object relies on referential integrity; otherwise, false. Gets or sets the security filtering behavior. The security filtering behavior. Gets or sets the relationship state. The relationship state. Gets the destination table in a directional table relationship. The destination table in a directional table relationship. Gets the type of the object. The type of the object. Gets or sets the object that RemovedObject was a child of before it was removed from the object tree. For example, if Table is removed from the Model, then Model will be LastParent. The object that RemovedObject was a child of before it was removed from the object tree. Gets or sets the root of the removed subtree. For example, if Table is removed from the Model, then Table will be RemovedObject. The removed object. Gets the base type implementation of the Role. The base type implementation of the Role. Gets the object reference implementation of the object. The object reference implementation of the object. Gets the parent database. The parent database. Gets the Server object that is the parent of the Role object. The Server object that is the parent of the Role object. Gets the path of the object. The path of the object. Gets the Role at the specified zero-based index. The specified zero-based index. The Role at the specified zero-based index. Gets the Role with the specified ID. The specified ID. The Role with the specified ID. The collection doesn't contain a Role with the specified ID. Gets or sets the maximum parallelism to apply to the operation. Typically, this will influence Refresh operations. This value doesn't guarantee parallelism, as the server may enforce other limits. The maximum parallelism to apply to the operation. Gets or sets the SaveOptions to apply to the SaveChanges operation. The SaveOptions to apply to the SaveChanges operation. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to serialize current object only, don't serialize its children. true if to serialize current object; otherwise, false. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the current object with Annotations only, don't serialize any other children. true if the current object with Annotations only, don't serialize any other children; otherwise, false. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to ignore objects whose lifetime is controlled by the Server, such as RowNumber column, AttributeHierarchy. true if to ignore objects whose lifetime is controlled by the Server; otherwise, false. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to Ignore properties whose value is controlled by the Server, such as Column.State true if to Ignore properties whose value is controlled by the Server; otherwise, false. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether if to Ignore timestamps. true if to Ignore timestamps; otherwise, false. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether only translatable properties such as Name and Description are to be written. true if only translatable properties such as Name and Description are to be written; otherwise, false. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to represent Partition as separate object. Instead, Partition properties will appear under Table object. true if to represent Partition as separate object; otherwise, false. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the multiline strings should be split into array of strings. true if the multiline strings should be split into array of strings; otherwise, false. Gets the collection of databases resident on a Server. The collection of databases resident on a Server. Gets the value indicating whether there is an active transaction started on Server. true if there is an active transaction started on Server; otherwise, false. Gets the base type implementation of the Server. The base type implementation of the Server. Gets the object reference. The object reference. Gets the parent database implementation of the server. The parent database implementation. Gets the parent server of this object. The parent server of this object. Gets the path implementation for this object. The path implementation for this object. Gets the collection of Roles. The collection of Roles. Gets the object that is used to start and stop traces on the server. The SessionTrace object that is used to start and stop traces on the server. Gets the traces available on the server. The traces available on the server. Gets a value that indicates whether the status of the can start in the session. true if the status of the can start in the session; otherwise, false. Gets the parent Server of the object. The parent Server of the object. Gets or sets the relationship from cardinality. The relationship from cardinality. Gets or sets the starting column in a single column relationship. The starting column in a single column relationship. Gets or sets the end of the cardinality relationship. The end of the cardinality relationship. Gets or sets the destination column in a single column relationship. The destination column in a single column relationship. Gets the collection object of all Annotations in the current Table. The collection object of all Annotations in the current Table. Gets the collection object of all Columns in the current Table. The collection object of all Columns in the current Table. Gets or sets the type of Table so that you can customize application behavior based on the type of data in the table. Allowed values are identical to those of dimension type properties for Multidimensional models. Regular is the default. Other values include Time (2), Geography (3), Organization (4), BillOfMaterials (5), Accounts (6), Customers (7), Products (8), Scenario (9), Quantitativ1e (10), Utility (11), Currency (12), Rates (13), Channel (14) - channel dimension, Promotion (15). The type of Table. Gets or sets an accessor specifying the Description property of the body of the object. A string containing an accessor specifying the Description property of the body of the object. Gets the collection object of all hierarchies in the current Table. The collection object of all hierarchies in the current Table. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the object body is visible to client applications. true if the object body is visible to client applications; otherwise, false. Gets the collection object of all Measures in the current Table. The collection object of all Measures in the current Table. Gets or sets the date and time at which one or more properties of the object body were last modified. The date and time at which one or more properties of the object body were last modified. Gets or sets an accessor specifying the name property of the body of the object. The name of the object. Gets the type of the object. The type of the object. Gets the parent object, null for Model objects. The parent object. Gets the collection object of all Partitions in the current Table. A collection object of all Partitions in the current Table. Gets or sets the date and time at which one or more properties of the body structure were last modified. The date and time at which one or more properties of the body structure were last modified. Gets the collection object of all annotations in the current TablePermission. The collection object of all annotations in the current TablePermission. Gets or sets the error message of the permission. The error message of the permission. Gets or sets a filtering expression for the current TablePermission. A filtering expression for the current TablePermission. Gets or sets the modified date and time of the object. The modified date and time of the object. Gets or sets the Name of the object that is derived from the referenced Table. Therefore, setting the Name property is not allowed on this object. The Name of the object that is derived from the referenced Table. Gets the type of the object. The type of the object. Gets the parent object, null for Model objects. The parent object. Gets the role of this object. The role of this object. Gets the state of the permission. The state of the permission. Gets or sets the table permission. The table permission. Gets or sets the validation error object. The validation error object. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the Trace object can drop any events, regardless of whether this results in degraded performance on the server. true if the Trace object can drop any events; otherwise, false. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether a Trace object will automatically restart when the service stops and restarts. true if a Trace object will automatically restart when the service stops and restarts; otherwise, false. Gets the collection of event objects to be captured by a Trace. The collection of event objects to be captured by a . Gets or sets the specified filter to add. The specified filter to add. Gets a value that indicates whether the Trace object was initiated. true if the Trace object was initiated; otherwise, false. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the Trace appends its logging output to the existing log file, or overwrites it. true if the Trace appends its logging output to the existing log file; otherwise, false. Gets or sets the file name of the log file for the Trace object. The file name of the log file for the Trace object. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether logging of Trace output will roll over to a new file, or whether it will stop when the maximum log file size that is specified in is reached. true if logging of Trace output will roll over to a new file; otherwise, false. Gets or sets the maximum log file size, in megabytes. The maximum log file size, in megabytes. Gets the base type implementation of the object. The base type implementation of the object. Gets the object reference implementation of the object. The object reference implementation of the object. Gets the parent database for the object. The parent database for the object. Gets the that is the parent of the specified object. The that is the parent of the specified object. Gets the path of the object. The path of the object. Gets the parent of a Trace object. This class cannot be inherited. The parent of a Trace object. Gets or sets the date and time at which a Trace object should stop. The date and time at which a Trace object should stop. Gets or sets the collection of XEvent that is part of this category. The collection of XEvent that is part of this category. Gets the Trace at the specified zero-based index. The zero-based index of the element to get. The Trace at the specified index. Gets the Trace that has the specified identifier from the collection. The identifier of the Trace to return. The Trace specified by the identifier. The collection doesn't contain a Trace with the specified ID. Gets the number of elements contained in the collection. The number of elements contained in the collection. Gets the element at the specified index. The specified index. The element at the specified index. Gets a value indicating whether the access to the is synchronized. true if the access to the is synchronized; otherwise, false. Gets an object that can be used to synchronize access to the collection. An object that can be used to synchronize access to the collection. Gets a collection that contains all the columns in the event. The collection that contains all the columns in the event. Gets or sets a value that identifies the event. Teh event ID. Gets the application name associated with a object. The application name associated with a object. Gets the client host name associated with a object. The client host name associated with a object. Gets the client process identifier associated with a object. A string containing the client process identifier associated with a object. Gets the connection identifier associated with a object. A String that contains a connection identifier associated with a object. Gets the CPU time associated with a object. The CPU time associated with a object. Gets the current date and time associated with a object. The current date and time associated with a object. Gets the name associated with a object. A String containing name object. Gets the duration value associated with a object. The duration value associated with a object. Gets the end time associated with a object. The end time associated with a object. Gets the error property associated with a object. The error property associated with a object. Gets the event class associated with a object. The event class associated with a object. Gets the event subclass associated with a object. The event subclass associated with a object. Gets the Integer data associated with a object. The Integer data associated with a object. Corresponds to the indexor property in the C# language. It allows indexing of a collection in the same manner as with arrays. Trace column. The value of a trace column from a trace event. Gets the job identifier associated with a object. The job identifier associated with a object. Gets the NT canonical user name associated with a object. The NT canonical user name associated with a object. Gets the NT domain name associated with a object. The NT domain name associated with a object. Gets the NT user name associated with a object. The NT user name associated with a object. Gets the object identifier associated with a object. A String containing the object identifier associated with a object. Gets the object name associated with a object. The object name associated with a object. Gets the object path associated with a object. A String object path associated with a object. Gets the object reference associated with a object. An String object reference associated with a object. Gets the object type associated with a object. The object type associated with a object. Gets the progress total associated with a object. The progress total associated with a object. Gets the request parameters associated with a object. The request parameters. Gets the request properties associated with a object. A String that contains the request properties associated with a object. Gets the server name associated with a object. The server name associated with a object. Gets the session identifier associated with a object. The session identifier associated with a object. Gets the session type associated with a object. A string containing the session type associated with a object. Gets the severity associated with a object. The severity associated with a object. Gets the active server process identifier (SPID) on which to execute the parent object. A String containing the active server process identifier (SPID) on which to execute the parent object. Gets the date and time at which a object's trace started. The date and time at which a object's trace started. Gets the success property associated with the trace indicated by a object's trace. The success property associated with the trace indicated by a object's trace. Gets the text data information associated with a object. The text data information associated with a object. Gets the collection of XMLA messages associated with a TraceEventArgs object. The collection of XMLA messages associated with a TraceEventArgs object. Gets the number of elements contained in the collection. The number of elements contained in the collection. Gets the element at the specified event Identifier. The specified event Identifier. The trace event collection. Gets the at the specified index. The zero-based index of the element. The element at the specified index. Gets a value that indicates whether access to the is synchronized. true if access to the is synchronized; otherwise, false. Gets an object that can be used to synchronize access to the collection. An object that can be used to synchronize access to the collection. Gets the exception that occurs in the event. The exception that occurs in the event. Gets the cause of trace to stop. The cause of trace to stop. Gets or sets an error message emitted during validation. An error message emitted during validation. Gets or sets the source object from which the error originated. The source object from which the error originated. Gets a value that indicates whether the errors occurred during validation. true if the errors occurred during validation; otherwise, false. Gets a collection of validation errors. A collection of validation errors. Specifies the aggregate function to be used by reporting tools to summarize column values. The default aggregation is Sum for numeric columns. Otherwise the default is None. Leaves the aggregate function unspecified. Calculates the sum of values contained in the column. This is the default aggregation function. Returns the lowest value for all child members. Returns the highest value for all child members. Returns the rows count in the table. Calculates the average of values for all non-empty child members. Returns the count of all unique child members. An enumeration of possible values for aligning data in a cell. Aligns string or numerical values based on the culture. Aligns string or numerical values to the left. Aligns string or numerical values to the right. Centers string or numerical values within a cell. An extension of the schema used for passing object-specific information in the form of name-value pairs, for use by a client application. Analysis Services does not interpret or validate annotations. Annotations are defined as a child of a logical metadata object in the model. Represents a COM or .NET library that can contain several classes with several methods; all of which are potential stored procedures. Represents the attribute hierarchy of a column in a table. It is an optional child object of a object and is implicitly created by the server. When the attribute hierarchy is present, the column becomes available as a hierarchy in the multidimensional engine and can be queried by using MDX. Collection of Annotation objects. Represents a column that is based on a DAX expression in a Table that also contains DataColumns and a RowNumberColumn. A CalculatedColumn can also be added to a calculated table. Represents a Partition of a CalculatedTable object. Represents a column in a Table that is based on a DAX expression. A collection of CalculatedTableColumn, under a Table object bound to a partition with Source of type CalculatedPartitionSource, results in a calculated table. Enables you to manage and use a ClrAssembly. This class cannot be inherited. Represents a base class of a column object of a Tabular model, used to specify a DataColumn, RowNumberColumn, CalculatedColumn, or CalculatedTableColumn. Collection of Annotation objects. Collection of Column objects. An enumeration of possible values for a column type. The contents of this column come from a DataSource. The contents of this column are computed by using an expression after the Data columns have been populated. This column is automatically added by the Server to every table. The column exists in a calculated table, where the table and its columns are based on a calculated expression. Enables you to manage and use a ComAssembly. This class cannot be inherited. Indicates how relationships influence filtering of data. The enumeration defines the possible behaviors. The rows selected in the 'To' end of the relationship will automatically filter scans of the table in the 'From' end of the relationship. Filters on either end of the relationship will automatically filter the other table. The engine will analyze the relationships and choose one of the behaviors by using heuristics. Represents a user culture. It is a child of a Model object, used for translating strings and formatting values. Collection of Annotation objects. Collection of Culture objects. Specifies an Analysis Services Tabular or Multidimensional database. This class cannot be inherited. Server mode and model type will determine whether you can subsequently create or modify the model tree. Specifically, if you call Tabular.Database, you can modify its model only when the model is Tabular at compatibility level 1200. Represents a collection of objects on a . Represents a column in a Table that gets data from an external data source. Base class for the objects that represent overriden properties of Column objects that are provided for the duration of refresh operation. Represents object that holds overriden properties of DataColumn that are provided for the duration of refresh operation. Base class for the objects that represent overriden properties of DataSource objects that are provided for the duration of refresh operation. Represents the collection of overrides. Represents the object that overrides the properties of regular Partition for the duration of refresh operation. Base class for objects that override the properties of partition source objects. Represents object that holds overriden properties of ProviderDataSource that are provided for the duration of refresh operation. Represents the override properties of a QueryPartitionSource object that are provided for the duration of a refresh operation. Defines an open connection to an external data source for import, refresh, or DirectQuery operations on a Tabular . Collection of Annotation objects. Collection of DataSource objects. Controls the locking behavior of the SQL statements when executing commands against the data source. Specifies that statements cannot read data that has been modified, but not committed, by other transactions. This prevents dirty reads. Specifies that the data read by any statement in a transaction is transactionally consistent, as if the statements in a transaction receive a snapshot of the committed data as it existed at the start of the transaction. The type of DataSource. Currently, the only possible value is Provider. A data source having a data provider and connection string. Describes the type of data contained in the column. Internal only. Column or measure contains string data values. Column or measure contains integers. Column or measure contains double-precision floating-point numbers. Column or measure contains date and time data Column or measure contains decimal data values. Column or measure contains boolean data values. Column or measure contains binary data. Initial value of a newly created column, replaced with an actual value after saving a Column to the Server. A measure with varying data type. Determines which partitions are to be selected to run queries against the model. Partitions with DataView set to Default or Full are selected. Partitions with DataView set to Default or Sample are selected. Only Partitions can use this value. When set, the partition will inherit the DataView from the Model. When joining two date time columns, indicates whether to join on date and time parts or on date part only. When joining two date time columns, join on both the date and time parts. When joining two date time columns, join on date part only. Flags that control how the JSON document is treated during deserialization. For internal use only. Represents a collection of levels that provide a logical hierarchical drilldown path for client applications. It is a child of a Table object. Collection of Annotation objects. Collection of Hierarchy objects. Major objects of a Tabular solution, such as Server, Database, Role, and Trace. Major objects are an artifact of the legacy AMO client library, where objects are classified as Major or Minor. Determines how credentials are obtained for an impersonated connection to a data source during data import or refresh. Uses the inherited value from the ImpersonationMode on the DataSourceImpersonationInfo object in the database. A Windows user account having read permissions on the external data source. Not supported. Not supported for tabular model databases attached to an Analysis Services instance. Startup account of the Analysis Services instance. This account must have read permissions on a data source to enable data refresh. Do not reference this member directly in your code. It supports the Analysis Services infrastructure. Provides a mechanism to store event logs which can be viewed or replayed later. Helper class for scripting out a Tabular Database or Tabular metadata object into JSON script. Two-way conversion of an in-memory object tree to JSON. JSON is used for object definitions in a Tabular model or Tabular database at compatibility level 1200 and greater. Represents a Key Performance Indicator object. It is a child of a Measure object. Collection of Annotation objects. Represents a level in a hierarchy that provides a logical hierarchical drilldown path for client applications. It is a child of a Hierarchy object. The level is based on the values in a column. Collection of Annotation objects. Collection of Level objects. Holds synonym information for the Tabular model. It is a child of a Culture object. Collection of Annotation objects. Represents a value that is calculated based on an expression. It is a child of a Table object. Collection of Annotation objects. Collection of Measure objects. Base class in a class hierarchy of Tabular objects. Represents a collection of MetadataObjects. The Type Object. The Parent object. A Tabular model created at compatibility level 1200 or above. Collection of Annotation objects. Represents result of the operation on Model, such as Sync(), SaveChanges() An enumeration of possible model permissions that can be used in a Role object. The role has no access to the model. The role can read metadata and data of the model. The role has read and refresh permission. The role can refresh the data and calculations in the model. Provides full access to the model. Defines a set of user principals for whom security rules are applied. It is a child of a Model object. Collection of Annotation objects. Collection of ModelRole objects. Defines a user principal that belongs to the Role. It is a child of a Role object. Collection of Annotation objects. Collection of ModelRoleMember objects. Defines the method for making data available in the partition. Data will be imported from a data source. Data will be queried dynamically from a data source. Only partitions can use this value. When set, the partition will inherit the DefaultMode of the Model. Represents a Tabular metadata object by its name. A collection of named metadata objects. Type of the named metadata object. Parent of the metadata object. Represents a modification to the model tree resulting from one or more user operations that either add new objects, remove existing objects, or change object properties. Provides linkage to an object. This class cannot be inherited. An enumeration of possible values for object state. Object is refreshed, contains up-to-date data, and is queryable. Object is queryable but contains no data. Refresh it to bring in data. Applies to non-calculated objects, such as DataColumns, partitions, and Tables. Object is not queryable and contains no data. It needs to be refreshed to become functional. Applies only to calculated objects, such as calculated columns, hierarchies, and calculated tables. Object is in an error state because of an invalid expression. It is not queryable. Object is in an error state because an error occurred during expression evaluation. It is not queryable. Object is in an error state because some of its calculation dependencies are in an error state. It is not queryable. Some parts of the object have no data. Refresh the object to add the rest of the data. The object is queryable. Applies to non-calculated objects, such as DataColumns, partitions, and tables. Represents the translations of metadata properties for the Culture parent object. Properties like the Name and Description of a metadata object can be translated. If they are not translated, the properties specified on the main object are used. The ObjectTranslation object has a weakly typed reference to the object that it is translating. Collection of ObjectTranslation objects. Collection of ObjectTranslation objects. An enumeration of logical metadata objects in a Tabular model or database. You can use ObjectType to return the type if you don't already know what it is. ObjectType is null if the object is not part of a Tabular model or database at compatibility level 1200 or later. Object type for a Tabular created at compatibility level 1200 or above. An object of type in a Tabular . An object of type in a Tabular model. An object of type in a Tabular model. An object of type in a Tabular model. An object of type in a Tabular model. An object of type in a Tabular model. An object of type in a Tabular model. An object of type in a Tabular model. An object of type in a Hiearchy of a Tabular model. An object of type in a Tabular model. An object of type in a Tabular model. An object of type in a Tabular model. An object of type in a Tabular model. An object of type in a Tabular model. An object of type in a Tabular model. An object of type in a Tabular model. An object of type in a Tabular model. An object of type in a Tabular model. An object of type in a Tabular model. An object of type in a Tabular model. An object of type in a Tabular model. An object of type in a Tabular model. Specifies that the Annotation or Translation is for a Database object. Provides the out-of-synchronization errors. Represents a partition in a table. Partitions define the query against external data sources that return the rowsets of a . Collection of Annotation objects. Collection of Partition objects. A base class for all partition sources: QueryPartitionSource, CalculatedPartitionSource, MPartitionSource (reserved for future use). An enumeration of possible values for a partition source. The data in this partition is retrieved by executing a query against a DataSource. The data in this partition is populated by executing a calculated expression. The source is undefined. Data can come from pushed data or from out of line bindings that pull in data from an explicitly specified data source. Defines a logical view over the Model and is a child of a Model object. It allows hiding Tables, Columns, Measures, and Hierarchies so that end users can look at a smaller subset of the large data model. Collection of Annotation objects. Collection of Perspective objects. Includes a Column of a Table in the Perspective. It is a child of a PerspectiveTable object. Collection of Annotation objects. Collection of PerspectiveColumn objects. Includes a Hierarchy of a Table in the Perspective. It is a child of a PerspectiveTable object. Collection of Annotation objects. Collection of PerspectiveHierarchy objects. Includes a Measure of a Table in the Perspective. It is a child of a PerspectiveTable object. Collection of Annotation objects. Collection of PerspectiveMeasure objects. Includes a Table into the Perspective. It is a child of a Perspective object. The PerspectiveColumns, PerspectiveMeasures, and PerspectiveHierarchies child objects allow customizing which parts of the Table are visible in the Perspective. Collection of Annotation objects. Collection of PerspectiveTable objects. Represents information about the modification of a metadata object's property. Represents a data source that uses a connection string for the connection. Provides a query in the native query language of the external data source used to retrieve a slice of data for a single partition. An enumeration of possible values for a refresh type. For all partitions in the specified partition, table, or database, refresh data and recalculate all dependents. For a calculation partition, recalculate the partition and all its dependents. Clear values in this object and all its dependents. Recalculate this object and all its dependents, but only if needed. This value does not force recalculation, except for volatile formulas. Refresh data in this object and clear all dependents. If the object needs to be refreshed and recalculated, refresh and recalculate the object and all its dependents. Applies if the partition is in a state other than Ready. Append data to this partition and recalculate all dependents. This command is valid only for regular partitions and not for calculation partitions. Defragment the data in the specified table. As data is added to or removed from a table, the dictionaries of each column can become polluted with values that no longer exist in the actual column values. The defragment option will clean up the values in the dictionaries that are no longer used. Represents a logical relationship between two Table objects. It is a child of a Model object. Collection of Annotation objects. Collection of Relationship objects. An enumeration of possible values for defining cardinality on either side of a table relationship. The relationship is unspecified. Specifies the 'one' side of a one-to-one or one-to-many relationship. Specifies the 'many' side of a one-to-many relationship. The type of relationship. Currently, the only possible value is SingleColumn. Relationships are constructed using a column-to-column mapping. Represents information about a subtree removed from the object tree. Represents the level of security associated with a group of users. This class cannot be inherited. Represents a collection of Role objects. Indicates whether the particular member of a security role is an individual user or a group of users, or if the member is automatically detected. Member of security role is automatically detected. Member of security role is an individual user. Member of security role is a group of users. Represents an internal column automatically added by the Server to every Table after the object is created on the server. Flags used to control the behavior of a SaveChanges operation. All pending model changes are packed in a batch containing Create/Alter/Delete/Rename/Process commands together with a SequencePoint command (to trigger immediate validation on Server if used inside transaction) and sent to the Server. If there are no pending changes, these flags are ignored. This API supports the product infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code. Microsoft Internal Use Only. This API supports the product infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code. Microsoft Internal Use Only. Settings that control the behavior of the SaveChanges operation. Indicates how relationships influence filtering of data when evaluating row-level security expressions. The enumeration defines the possible behaviors. The rows selected in the 'To' end of the relationship will automatically filter scans of the table in the 'From' end of the relationship. Filters on either end of the relationship will automatically filter the other table. Flags used to control the output of metadata object serialization. Represents an instance of Analysis Services and provides methods and members that enable you to control that instance. This class cannot be inherited. Represents a trace session. This class cannot be inherited. SingleColumnRelationship object. Represents a Table in the data model. A Table object is a member of the object under a object. It contains a . Rows are based on object or a if the Table is a calculated table. Collection of Annotation objects. Collection of Table objects. Defines the security rules of the Role on the Table. It is a child of a Role object. Collection of Annotation objects. Collection of TablePermission objects. Represents a generic exception that is raised when a Tabular object model error or warning occurs. Represents an internal error whose origin is either indeterminate or occurs lower in the stack. Represents an inconsistency in the state of a metadata object that's preventing completion of the current operation. Provides a mechanism to store event logs which can be later viewed or replayed. This class cannot be inherited. Represents a collection of Trace objects. Represents a collection of TraceColumn values. Represents a trace event. Defines the identifiers and values associated with a trace event. This class cannot be inherited. Represents a collection of TraceEvent objects. Represents the analysis services trace event handler. The sender object. The trace event arguments. Represents a trace stopped event. Represents the event handler when the tracing is stopped. The trace. The event arguments. Specifies which property of the object is being translated. Object caption, shown instead of the name when it's defined. Description of the property, potentially visible in client applications. A DisplayFolder property. General purpose utilities used primarily for name validation and syntax checks. Represents an error found during validation of a metadata object tree. Represents the result of consistency validation of a metadata object tree. Represents an individual Windows user account or a Windows security group.